Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Really Econ! It's not you it's me!

I really tried to like you Econ, but you and I are just not meant to be. This recent econ 120B midterm that I failed has sealed the deal on our relationship. Countless hours were spent on your estimators, variances and regressions which frustrated me to no end. In the end, I simply do not care whether this formula full of nonsensical Greek letters can efficiently and unbiasedly estimate the real population. No more will I lose sleep over trying to find the best fitting line for a seemingly random assortment of points on a scatter plot. Enough is enough!

You seduced me in the beginning with those easy lower division classes. I really thought things would work out, but this quarter, I realized that my life does not need the drama of multicolored curves labeled with the likes of AVC, AC, SRAC, LRAC and AFC. The fact that these curves were partly dotted and partly solid only made things worse, especially since all of them dealt with the same damn thing.

The fact that you were never there for me while expecting so much added to my frustrations. How am I to know that MRTS = -w/r, MC = w/MPL and all the other formulas that relate labor, capital and quantity produced without so much as an index card? The fact is that you set me up to fail, I am simply not capable of memorizing formulas for things that I have no interest in.

Ultimately though, I see no future in this relationship. I cannot see myself being called on to calculate the marginal rate of technical substitution or even drawing a supply and demand curve outside of the lecture hall. I can no longer justify continuing to put in work and effort into something that is a dead end. In my mind, I have already done too much.

I should have stayed faithful to my first love, Anthro. I was a fool for thinking I ever needed another. Forget what the others say, you are enough for me. I do not care that after four years, there will be a risk that I will suffer for chasing after my passion. The risk is worth the happiness.

Please do not get upset, econ, you must have seen this coming. Besides, there are many others out there who love you and are willing to put in the effort (Diane). However, despite how things have turned out, I still want to be friends and I will take your classes so that we can maintain a minor relationship.


Today I dropped all my econ classes.
Sorry mom, but your son just is not cut out to be an economist.


apoonfulofsugar said...

:) yay anthro!

o.O said...

aww... i like antro; i wouldn't study it for a degree, but it's a fun subject.

econ.. erm, you can get good jobs out of it and go to awesome big lights, big city places. mm...


sarahyangg said...

well written hahha

Angela said...

good job, you shouldn't do what you don't want to anyway.

Life After ARC said...

Are you saying I am going to be broke Mai :O? Besides, I think most econ majors do not actually have jobs that pertain to what they learned in school. After all, there are not many jobs where you draw supply and demand curves.


o.O said...

That is just basic knowledge you should learn, kind of like atoms, electron and the nucleaus. You don't need to know it, but you need to know the background behind it to get into further studies... It's just super baby steps that doesn't make sense now (or ever).

If you needed to know, you aren't going to use about 85% of what you learn in class... and you might get a degree of something and go out with a job with something you never learn or not in the field that you studied. I refuse to get out of the field since my 'rents paid big bucks, but that's me being hard headed.

Degree only gets you a foot in the door, everything else, you probably will be trained...

I can't see myself tied down to one interest, one subject, one anything really. Archeologist sounds super fun... what are your plans when you finish studying antro?

Money isn't everything in the world; I personally hate it. I could be broke and still be happy... which I am... job is paying me crap.

o.O said...

And no, muffintop, you are not going to be broke. You are going to win the lotto once you start buying tickets.. and become super rich.

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