Saturday, February 13, 2010

Roommate Chronicles (Part 3)

Mixed Results

(The long awaited post)

Midterms came and went with very mixed results. Kevin's did well on his first two midterms and then somehow managed to bomb the last two. For a minute I thought he was on track to have a 4.0 when he scored higher than Ashley and Angela in genetics by two full grades. Then the grades for his other two midterms started trickling in and it ranged from failing to near failing. Yes, somehow despite life without a laptop, Kevin is still managing to fail half his classes. I can only infer that he is finding new ways to distract himself.

There is a silver lining to all of this though. Just last week Kevin got his first job, despite taking the interview on short notice and not taking it very seriously. It might just be a starting dish washer job, but everyone needs to start somewhere and there is a possibility of moving up to be a researcher. Though, that requires Kevin to be social and create real relationships.

On a more fun note, I have begun to randomly take Kevin down and submit him. Sadly, our carpets is absolute shit, so we get some pretty nasty rug burns. It is payback for how he betrayed me over the weekend.



o.O said...

Pwahhaha.. That sucks for the grades to be dropping. UCSD students (assumeding it's ucsd students) are notorious for being smart and finding other things to do to distract them. (;

Life without a laptop is grand, but finding dedication and sticking by it is grand.... negative reinforcement will kick it and he'll kick's the final exam's tushy to the curb with an A+, I hope. hehe.

Life After ARC said...

ahahah with his track record, I doubt it.


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