Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ringing in the New Year

Hey guys,
Long time no... write?

Anyway, 2009 has been interesting- interesting in the sense that this year has been a host to my gap year.

I thought I would just write about a few things I am thankful for; some of these are obvious cliches, but I mean them nevertheless.

(These aren't in any particular order except for the first two)

1) My family.
Haha yeah, I saw that one coming from a mile away too. This year, though, has brought me a lot closer to my family. I don't think I have ever been this close to them at any point in time, and I am grateful that this gap year gave me the opportunity of developing a deeper bond with those who are and will be there for me no matter what the circumstance.

2) Friends that bitch and whine about how hard it is to reach me.
I guess that's a bit too strong. Let me elaborate.

For those of you that know me even a little, it is supernaturally difficult to get in touch with me unless you are the persevering type (*cough* muffinman... *cough* emoinacloset). The difficulty arises from the fact that where many find picking up their cell and phoning a friend easy, I find fantastically difficult.

Wait no, let me rephrase that. The thought to reconnect with them really never crosses my mind. Of course, this sounds terrible, but circling back to the heart of the matter, I am grateful for he friends that have slapped (or as muffin loves to say, "beat the shit out of") some sense into me and have put me back on course to reestablishing weakened bonds. Muffin... I like the sound of that.

I'm also thankful for the friends that have stuck by me during my pathetic, little phase. I use past tense, because I feel like I'm out of the woods now. It's almost like I know what a true friendship is all about. *tear* Make friends, and then, try to keep them. A truly novel idea. Genius, really.

3) My balls.
You thought that Jesus was going to be #3 didn't you?

I do have some shame in admitting that during most of my teenage years, I invested a lot of time, with no beneficial return, into the internet-especially, Youtube.

Now after watching about three dozen videos that involve the idiotic, but oh-so-hilarious injuries to a great number of people's balls all across the world, I am so grateful that mine are still intact and going 19 years strong. I love you guys.

4) Oh right, MIT.
MIT is an institution that likens the education that it provides to drinking water from a fire hose. Now having taken a gap year and still being a freshman undergraduate, I admit that I am thoroughly scared shitless of what goes on behind the scenes of it all- the late-night cries of pain and agony over unfinished problem sets, the early-morning cries of pain and agony over unfinished problem sets, and then my favorite: "fuck it all, I am going to sleep".

However, MIT is at the forefront of science and technology. Science is where my head is at, and I am so lucky to be given the chance to go learn from the best of the best.

So to those responsible for my admission to MIT, I thank you with all my heart. And here's hoping that in a few decades, my admission officers will be the thanking me for going to MIT (probably because I will have cured AIDs, cancer, and male-pattern baldness) and bringing their institution even more fame and honor.

Lol.. bullshit!

5) Pain. Heartbreak. yada yada yada..
If we didn't have pain, I doubt we would know what happiness was. If we didn't have heartbreak, I'm not sure if we would feel lucky when we actually met that special someone.

When one door closes, another opens, right? I guess, pain would be the long ass hallways, the lack of sufficient lighting, and all the chairs and tables we bump into along the way. But fuck aren't we happy when we finally feel that door knob? We've become masters of our pain, and pain has become our guide into the future.

I'll add more if I think of them tonight.

Happy New Year everyone!

We are one year closer to the end of mankind!



Life After ARC said...

Your blogging needs more practice


Life After ARC said...

Huh? Why?


Life After ARC said...

This post sucks that's why!
Practice makes perfect


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