Friday, January 1, 2010

2009, I Bid You Adieu

For the past couple of days I have been thinking to myself, 'what kind of post am I going to do for New Year's?' So after pondering and pondering, I realized that New Year's resolutions are nearly useless for me. Because of this, I was torn between either writing a laundry list of resolutions that usually fall through or writing something genuine.

I suppose I can always do both.

This year I would like to get better grades, lose weight/workout, not procrastinate so much, get an internship over the summer, have an unforgettable time in London next semester, maintain friendships, read more, cure AIDS, end world hunger, stop war, and discover the meaning of life.

End post Part I.

Like I said, I was struggling to find something to write about when I remembered vaguely a New Year's post I had written in the past. I used to run a Xanga (remember those?) back in high school from freshman year until about halfway through junior year, so I knew I had to have a New Year's post in there somewhere. I thought it would be interesting to see whether or not I've actually managed to uphold my resolutions after all this time. After some digging through my Xanga, I finally found this post I wrote my sophomore year in high school -- exactly four years ago.

Xanga post, Sunday, January 01, 2006.

Resolution #1: Start studying -- SUCCESS
Back then I used to come home, play Warcraft III until three in the morning, and then fall asleep in class. I was pretty well known for this -- this habit hasn't died any, even now. But hey, I got into college didn't I?

Resolution #2: Don't make fun of my bro -- SUCCESS
My little brother is seven years younger than I am, so I used to tease him a lot when I was younger. These days he keeps growing while I stay the same, so the playing field has become more level. Now we just beat the shit out of each other.

Resolution #3: Go on a diet/exercise -- FAIL
Seeing as how I am still making resolutions about this, I don't think I've accomplished anything here.

Resolution #4: Obliterate Taylor from the face of the earth -- STUPID
Taylor was a teacher I had who I didn't like much. I haven't even thought about her in years until now. I will chock this one up to immaturity.

Resolution #5: Stop being (insert here) -- ???
I have no idea what I was referring to here.

Resolution #6: Don't say "fag" as much -- SUCCESS
Again, I will chock this up to immaturity. This was a time when a lot of my friends said this, but not because we hated gay people. It was just what we said to each other, like "what's up" or "dude". Thank god I've grown out of that habit.

Overall, I will say I was pretty good about keeping my resolutions. I guess making them isn't so hopeless after all.

Happy New Year's everybody! Let's celebrate the beginning of not just a new year, but a new decade. 2010, make it happen!


P.S. If you'd like feel free to go through the rest of my old blog -- it's public and I won't take it down anytime soon. It's nice to be able to look back and see how incredibly naive I was then compared to now.