Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I guess she's over me

Who knew that when I met up with Jennie for coffee at ARC, she would drop a bombshell on me.

The conversation at coffee went something like this:

"Oh by the way how is Nitya (ex-girlfriend) doing?" (I like to keep tabs on people)
"She is doing well with her boyfriend"

(In my mind while keeping a somewhat calm demeanor, I thought to myself "WAIT?! What? Backtrack for a minute. Did she just say that Nitya has a boyfriend?")

"When did she meet him?"
"During second summer session"

"WHAT the fuck ... they have been going out for 5 months and you have not said anything about it?"
(nonchalantly)"I thought you knew"

(I am pretty annoyed at Jennie at this point, but remembering how clueless she can be, I forgave her and began to ask questions about him.)

What else did I gather about this boyfriend from my meeting with Jennie?
For starters, he goes to UCLA, which is incredibly surprising. I would have thought that after me, Nitya would have avoided long distance relationships like the plague. Good to know that I did not ruin things for her. Also he is a Junior in college, which is no surprise, she always went after the older crowd. And so far things seem to be working out with them.

But wait, why is this such a big deal you may ask? After all muffinman, your relationship with her ended a year ago.

However, what you may not know is that ever since the disaster with Anna, I have entertained the idea that things could go back to the way they were with Nitya. Of course this was a foolish idea, because of how badly the relationship ended, but it was always in the back of my mind. It gave me hope to think that there was at least someone out there for me.

Really though, it is better this way.

It is time to look towards the future for someone, because there is no one for me in the past.


PS: Nitya, you probably will not read this, but I wish you all the best. From what I hear, this boyfriend of yours seems to put a lot more effort into the long distance relationship than I ever did. Hopefully he treats you better than I did. Sorry for everything.


Life After ARC said...

had to delete all the comments!
Stop mentioning names


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