Saturday, December 12, 2009

First Paycheck Ever

On Thursday, I received my first paycheck of my life! I have never had a real job in my life, and now I am staring at my very own pay check. Never have I felt so excited or so much pride over a slip of paper.

The check! Halfway there to my netbook!

So what do you do to make this kind of money? Would be the logical question to ask.

My job consists of various duties, none of which are particularly exciting or glamorous, but are of such importance they could not do without me on finals week. Over finals week I, all I did was make the enewsletters. The newsletters go out at the beginning of every month and since I am on break till the 4th of January, I needed to come in during finals week to finish them up. Also, my boss does not know how to use the html editor on bluehornet, the web program we use for enewsletters, but I do not blame her, bluehornet is a piece of shit. In fact, bluehornet is such a piece of shit, that I use dream weaver to do all my html editing and then I import it to bluehornet, and bluehornet fucks that up sometimes too. I really have no idea how the previous girl was able to do these newsletters solely on bluehornet. She told me that it was a matter of trial and error, you needed to save and repeatedly save the edits until they stopped messing up and showed up like they were supposed to, when I heard this, I concluded that she has the patience of a monk.

Newsletters are arguably the most important part of my job, right next to creating the "tv guide" for our channels. Other duties include filling and mailing out DVD orders, logging youtube comments and most recently putting links into Wikipedia articles.

Why do you log youtube comments, you may ask. Apparently, there is a need for producers to receive feedback about their shows, so they read the youtube comments that I log on the database. We all know how constructive and inaccessible are youtube comments.

Despite some of the tediousness of the work, I like my job. The people at work are really nice. My boss is understanding and reasonable. Oh and of course the office gossip is a lot of fun.

My only apprehension about this job occurred when the old assistant left, she was treated like a family member leaving. There were hugs and sincere farewells all around. I wonder if I can really ever replace her.



sarahyangg said...

hahah i like this post

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