Saturday, December 12, 2009


I woke up at 4PM today still feeling really, really drunk.

Friday was initiation for Beta Alpha Psi. I crossed and I am now officially a gold member of the Beta Alpha Psi Mu chapter! There was food, laughter, speeches, and a PowerPoint slide to showcase all the memories we made together -- but seriously, I was just waiting for initiation to end so I could go out and get schwasted.

Seeing as how this was initiation night, I was set on becoming shit-faced. This was the last time I was seeing my fellow BAPers in a long time, especially the seniors, so I wanted this to be a memorable night (or not so memorable?). Besides, I needed to redeem myself in the eyes of the upperclassmen who thought I was a lightweight.

I took two shots before I went out because I wanted to get a head start over everyone else. Then I took three shots of sake, drank whatever it was Roger slipped me (Whiskey? Bacardi 151? I'm not quite sure), and gathered my fellow power pledges to completely DESTROY the leaders in multiple rounds of flip cup (8:3 -- sorry guys, but we owned you). Then I stole someones mango sake slushie and finished that off. The survivors went off to karaoke across the street.

After an hour of karaoke, the sane people left. I was still down to drink more, but Jim and I had to take one of our fellow power pledges back home first. Apparently, while I was singing my heart out he was busy getting owned by the seniors. We eventually got him in his bed and left him to get even more owned by his roommates. One down, three to go.

On our way out Jim and I ran into Kevin. He was going to go back to bed for a good night's sleep, but we dragged him back out with us against his will; probably not the best idea on his part.

Then I finally had the Chris/Matt experience.

As soon as we got to the bar, we each had two shots of tequila. By then Kevin seemed pretty tired so it was up to me and Jim to hold the fort. We had a chug race with two more shots and a pint of beer, with the loser having to drink whatever nasty concoction the bartender was going to make for him. I definitely did not want to lose so I downed that like no other and beat Jim, leaving him in the dust with a quarter of his beer still left.

Somehow we eventually ended up on Chris's roof, where Jim and I had another chugging battle, this time with each of us getting a 40. He won that time so I guess we are even now -- keep in mind these last few drinks were all within an hour, but Jim and I miraculously made it back home in one piece. After sleeping, I spent a good part of the day recovering from my epic night.

Total count: 17 shots (A record!)

I would say today was as bad as the time I took 15 shots and then was forced by my parents to go to church hungover.


Addendum: I saw Jim and Andy the next day, and apparently there was a note on their door in a girl's handwriting that said,

Thanks for using our bathroom."

At first I thought this was hilarious. In our drunken stupor, we managed to break into a girl's dorm and take a piss in their toilet. But after my initial reaction, I starting thinking -- what the hell happened after we got in the dorm? Everything was really fuzzy; I couldn't really remember what happened once we got inside. However, the following is my attempt to piece together what happened once we got into Gramercy.

Somehow we were able to get through the turnstiles in our dorm and get in the elevator. At the time, I didn't remember what Jim's room number was, but I did remember Andy's because I had already been there a few times and if my short-term memory proved correct, that was where we had pregamed for initiation. Not wanting to put Jim in my room, I decided in my drunken genius the only place left to leave him was in the safety of Andy's room. We got to his floor, but halfway there, Jim fell down because I remember dragging him around Gramercy by his feet. Unfortunately, Andy lived in a corner room so I had to drag him quite a bit.

But of course, this doesn't explain the note. The best explaination I have is somewhere between walking, stumbling, and dragging, Jim must have gotten up and said he needed to pee really badly. I helped him up and tried to get him into Andy's room as fast as I could, but like I mentioned earlier, Andy lives at the very end of the hall. Jim, not being able to wait that long, says, "I really gotta take a piss". Fortunately, I make the brilliant conclusion that since I don't ever lock my door, one of these people must keep their doors unlocked as well! Lo and behold, we broke into some poor bastard's dorm and took a piss in their toilet.

Now as for how these girls knew Jim's name... hearing all the noise they must have come out of their rooms to check what all the fuss was about. I probably said something like "Don't worry about it guys, he just wants to take a piss," and we probably introduced ourselves to be polite.

After the breaking and entering fiasco, I promptly left Jim on Andy's roommate's bed whereupon the roommate told me to move him. I later lifted Jim up from the bed to on top of Andy where I took pictures of both of them sleeping on top of each other, finally storming off to get some well-deserved shut-eye for myself.