Saturday, December 12, 2009

A third of college is over? You don't say?

Another quarter is over and thank God. This has to be my worst quarter to date due to the fact that I am struggling to get a 3.0. Not quite sure what happened, it might have been the heavy drinking every weekend, the fact that I did not take my classes that seriously, the harder classes or all of the above. Not to worry though, I have outlined a plan to go to Geisel three days a week with my roommate Kevin next quarter. Yes, I will exchange part of my social life for some better grades.

In other news, it feels weird to be back home again. It is a surreal feeling to be back, everything is so clean, there is actually food in the fridge and suddenly there is someone telling you to do stuff again (like put on a sweater). Makes me wonder how it will be when I leave for a whole year.

Hopefully, this Christmas break will be more exciting than the last one, though after finals I really do not care about anything. Sadly, emoinacloset is in New York till the 24th and I go back on the 3rd which means that I will only see him for 1 week! We have pledged to spend everyday of that week together. Be jealous.

Funny story about the plane ride back. I ran into Gupta while waiting on the plane, turns out he was on the same flight. Gupta saved me a seat on the plane and while we were talking, Gupta spots Mike Chen and signals him over, I could not help but smile at this ironic twist of events. Mike Chen and Gupta exchanged some greetings all the while I was looking up at Mike smiling. Later I told Gupta about how Mike hates me and the mysterious grudge that he has been nursing. Surprisingly, Gupta admits that he does not fancy Mike that much either. Once again, the irony.

Oh and Gupta spilled sprite on me while on the plane. I would have been annoyed with him, had I not had my jacket over my lap, saving me from soggy jeans. All is well that ends well.
