Wednesday, November 25, 2009

First Thanksgiving at SD

This is my first thanksgiving at SD and I must say it is ridiculously boring. I elected to stay behind this year, because of my atrocious performance on my second round of finals and to work on my statement of purpose for my study abroad application.

I keep getting texts reading "Happy Thanksgiving" which reminds me that at least someone is having fun today. For me on the other hand, it is nothing but video games, econ notes and explaining why I want to go to China. I have stayed in my apartment all day so far, munching on oreos and ramen, just waiting for it to be midnight so that I can get a lcd monitor.

I meant to go outside today onto library walk to see if anyone is still around and shoot a vlog, but I think I am going to save that for tomorrow. There is hope for this break though, as Josh is staying here with me. The only reason I am not hanging out with him right now, is because he is spending thanksgiving with his sister.

Dinner is another problem to me, as I am at a loss of what to eat. Emoinacloset has the luxury of going out to eat, as I am sure there are plenty of places open in New York city, plus everything is connected by subway. My meal choices are limited to what is in my fridge and right now I have eggs, bacon, tortillas and lettuce. Do I sense a breakfast burrito?

How is everyone's thanksgiving going?



Unknown said...

I told you to come home.

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