Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fuck Econ in general

Glad to hear that emoinacloset is having such a good time at school right now.

I on the other hand, just received my second below average grade on an econ 100A midterm. I studied my ass off for this second midterm after having not taken the first one very seriously and all I get for my efforts is an even lower score. Now the best grade I can get in the class is a B- or C+ which is only possible if I ace my final. The worst part is that my friends Diane and Michelle got 48 and 50 respectively (the midterm is out of 50), I hate being beaten, especially by this much!

What I need to do at this point is pull myself out of this hole that I have dug. I must get over the fact that I am not going to do well in this class and start doing the best that I can. But damn is it hard, I really just want to give up like my roommate. He has no qualms about failing a class. Though it is probably a blessing that I do not give in so easily.

Update: I fucked up on my econ 120 A this time too, fucking 18.5 out of 30


Unknown said...

sorry this is like super late response but i can so relate with you about econ! econ sucks man. my teacher doesn't give anything but his lecture to study off of so for our first midterm like 75% of the class got below 50.. i donno about the second one but some stupid over achiever decided to get a 95 just to make the rest of us look bad. good luck on the econ final tho!

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