Monday, October 19, 2009

Some Thoughts @ the Half-Way Point

Life feels like it's moving both slow and fast at the same time.

It only feels slow because I've done so many things in such a short amount of time; when look back on each day, I feel like life has become stretched out like a long piece of taffy. For example, just last week I pulled an all-nighter to study for two midterms last week, but it feels like I did that a whole month ago. Even now, I can't believe it's only been a month and a half since school started; just the overwhelming amount of things I've managed to do seems incredible compared to what I'd accomplished last year (i.e. nothing). By this logic, I've improved 100x times over, but I can't let that fool me -- I'm still playing catch-up. There are plenty of people who were involved in clubs last year that set them up to attain leadership positions this year and there are those who have jobs now because they looked for them months before I even thought to apply. Ever hear of compounding interest? I'm pretty sure this applies to this situation.

And yet, even as life feels long and stretched out it also feels like a blur. If you asked me to visualize sophomore year so far, it would look like one of those overexposed pictures of an train moving at breakneck speed.

Half the semester is almost over. The whole day rolls along and it's tomorrow. This keeps up until it becomes the weekend, and then the weekend goes by in a flash and before you know it it's the following week with a whole other set of issues, events, and obstacles you have to deal with. Sometimes I feel like I'm unproductive -- I've been meaning to clean and organize my room for a while but I never seem to get around to it -- and other times I feel very productive.

To add to this post, I've put up a list of things I need to work on until I come home. I've always felt constant improvement is a must because otherwise the only direction you can go is down.

1) getting up in time to catch the shuttle bus
2) working out/getting a six pack
3) get a job? But with Fed Challenge taking up a large chunk of my time and with my two credit course starting next week I don't know if this is going to happen. If I feel ambitious enough, maybe.
4) Being on time/being early for everything -- this is a really big problem for me. I always seem to misjudge the time it takes for me to get ready or go from point A to point B.
5) cleaning my room so it looks hospitable to life
