Sunday, October 18, 2009

Life back on track

What a week for getting my life back on track.

1) Still been attending classes. This is really important for me due to the numerous amount of classes that I have ditched in the past. Suddenly going to class is not as repulsive anymore, I am pretty sure this is due to the fact that I have friends in class now. The plus side of having major classes is that you start having the same people in every class.

2) Got my first on campus job interview!!! I finally got a reply back after sending out a shit load of resumes. My interview is for a UCSD TV assistant position where I assist the marketing director. This probably means a lot of bitch work, but I think it is worth it since I get to be near some actual marketing work. Hopefully I will not mess up this interview as much as my first one with Resnet. Wish me luck for next Monday.

3) On Friday, I finally got around to the studying abroad office to ask about studying in Shanghai. Taking my first steps towards my dream of spending a year in China. I talked with a returnee from one of the programs I wanted to do and it just seems all the more possible and amazing now. I also schedule an appointment with an adviser and hopefully with her help I can get the ball rolling and SEE EMOINACLOSET IN SHANGHAI NEXT FALL. Just imagining writing joint entries with emoinacloset in Shanghai, blows my mind.

4) I studied on a Saturday. Midterms are coming up this coming week and I have actually been responsible and took the time to study on a Saturday. It helped that I had friends who dragged me into it, but really it was my own ambition. Does this study secession signal a change of pace? A turning of a new leaf? I hope not, I really just want to get wasted on Saturdays.

5) Found a new girl interest.



sarahyangg said...

OK i read this hahhaa

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