Friday, October 23, 2009


Friday night started out great.

I woke up at 2:00PM, got a haircut, went to a club meeting and went out for drinks with them afterwards. Unfortunately, I couldn't end-of-midterms party-hop with one of my friends because I needed to make a couple graphs for Fed Challenge by Saturday, so after having a couple of drinks I went over to Stern's Bloomberg terminal to quickly download some data, make the graph and be out of there in 30 min.

At least, that's what I thought.

I'm sure you guys are wondering, what is this Bloomberg thing and why are you fucking it? Well, Bloomberg is a computer program that has all the financial information you could ever possibly think of. I only needed to look for and download 3 data sets after which making graphs and such would be incredibly easy. Unfortunately, it's also incredibly complicated and has the layout and command processes like the old school Windows DOS.

Holy shit, I'm supposed to use this?!

Around 10, I came into Stern red-faced and bypassed the security guard. Drunk, and feeling a little belligerent, I turned on Bloomberg and got ready to quickly do some work and rejoin my friends. However, as I got into it, I slowly realized in my drunken stupor -- I didn't know how to use the damn thing.

After three hours of chatting with customer support trying to get the data download program to work, I became sober, frustrated, angry, and ready to killabitch. But at 1:30AM, the fucking toolbar decides to randomly show up of it's own accord. You could have been there AT 10PM YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!

So to Bloomberg I say, FUCK YOU. You wasted what could have been an epic night you shithole assface.



UPDATE: It's now 3:00AM and the mouse failed on me. fml


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