Tuesday, September 1, 2009


“Jesus.. look at emoinacloset go. It’s just one entry after another with this guy. Better write another one.”

And with that thought, I write this blog entry. Not really inspired by anything other than my wanting to keep up with emoinacloset. He really makes the rest of us look like douches.

Well, I’ve recently started classes at a state university. MIT recommended that I take some classes before I go back in order to help make adjusting to the crazy-ass, “holy shit”, nocturnal lifestyle just a little bit easier. (If you haven’t read my previous entry, I decided to take a year off from college about half a year ago.)

And let me just start out by saying. Holy crap.. does the state of California suck right now. California, as many of you know, is experiencing somewhat of a budget crisis and what many of you do not know is that it has retracted 44 million dollars in funding from the state university that I am currently attending. This has appropriately resulted in pay cuts for all faculty members and an increase in tuition fees for all students. On top of that, they’ve decreased the class sizes, because teachers aren’t willing to teach more for cut in pay. Of course, there are a few teachers(God bless them), who are more than willing to take on more students, but the majority are doing what I would’ve done in the same situation. I would’ve said, “Fuck this. I’m not grading more papers for less money.”

On top of that, I’m not even a regularly enrolled student. As a non-matriculated student, I can’t register for classes beforehand. I have to show up on the first day of class, and if there is space (which there never is), I can add (which never happens). If I stupidly decide to stay and waste my time, I get put on this beautiful “waitlist.” I am, of course, put at the bottom, because I am last priority.

The shittiness (aka the beginning of fall semester) began the Monday of last week. I must have gone to 7-9 classes per day, desperately trying to add a class. I managed to salvage 2 classes from the wreckage that was the budget crisis, and I’m still attending classes with hopes that I’ll be added.

My blog entries just get happier and happier, don’t they?

But, never fear! Hot girls are here!

Despite the 44 million dollar shortfall, there just does not seem to be a scarcity of good-looking women at this university. Yes sir, tits and ass are always in surplus. And yes, these two things are what have pulled me through the dark times.

It is stuff like this that reminds me that our universe is a balanced one. Light and dark. Good and evil. Hot girls and budget cuts.

After storming out of a class in which I am #20 on the waitlist, I just take one look down the hall at some beautiful, smoking hot Asian chick, and all is good again.

Thank goodness for the 10’s out there and thank goodness for the creation of restraining orders for the 5’s like me who ogle at the 10’s.



Life After ARC said...

pics or there are no such girls

Life After ARC said...

who made up that rule?

Life After ARC said...

I went to SJSU and I did not not see shit!

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