Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Break in NYC

There is a sense of anticipation as the clock ticks down to our arrival time to New York. It is a trip that has been talked about for years between the three musketeers (Emoinacloset, Robocop and me). Now on our last year of college, our New York trip is finally happening.

Getting here was hard, we came close to pulling the trigger on it back in sophomore year, but Robocop ruined it to register for classes at SJSU. Many times during this winter quarter there was lots of talk about buying tickets but never a firm commitment. Finally in a moment of conviction in February, I tracked Robocop down and we bought the tickets together while on the phone. After buying the tickets, there were more trials when Robocop unwittingly invited some people without asking me or Emoinacloset about it. I ended up having to be the bad guy and inform them that I wanted this to be an exclusive three musketeers trip and they were not welcome.

So now I am on the plane sitting next to Robocop, traveling with the bare minimum of necessities. In my backpack are half a week's worth of clothes, an iPad, around $500 and close to no travel plans. I am crossing my fingers that everything will work out.

More than just exploring NYC, the goal of this trip is to finally see Emoinacloset's life. As a very closed off person, Robocop and I know next to nothing about Emoinacloset's habits, haunts and friends in the city. This trip will hopefully answer a lot of questions.