Sunday, October 2, 2011

The scenic route

On my way back down to San Diego, I decided to take the scenic route with my good friend Sarah. With my Camry packed incredibly neatly, almost tetris like, Sarah and I set off on our one day road trip.


Sarah is a shuttle driver at UCSD and I had the utmost confidence in her driving abilities. She managed to pull off an incredible 31 miles to the gallon on the winding roads of highway 1, to put this into perspective, I usually get around 25 miles to the gallon driving normally. I drove for the last quarter of the tank, and without a doubt, the calculated mileage would have been higher had Sarah driven the tank to empty.

Typically, it takes me about seven to eight hours to drive down to UCSD. Taking the scenic route, it took an exhausting eleven hours. This was partly because a large stretch of the road was limited to 35 or 45 miles per hour, compared to 80MPH on highway 5 (more direct road through the state), and the fact that we stopped liberally to admire the view and take pictures.

Sarah ended up driving eight of those eleven hours, because highway 1 was so much fun that she wanted it all for herself. And that was fine with me, as I got to focus on taking pictures of the amazing coastline. It had been awhile since I had gone out on a shoot and I was rediscovering my love for the camera. At the end of the day, I got some really great shots.

My favorite picture of the drive

This was not bad either

Cannot wait for thanksgiving when I get to do it again! Wonder who will join me next time around.
