Friday, June 10, 2011

New Semester, New Characters

With just a month left in Shanghai, it is time for another character’s post. This time around, there are no angels or saviors that my life in Shanghai revolves around. Hell, there are not even any UC students on the list this this semester and I am hanging out with people my own age. It is a completely different semester in almost every aspect.

Always the alcohol with this guy

I think everybody needs a sleazy Italian in their life who repeatedly tells you to cut the bullshit and just fuck whenever you are with a girl. Always the jokester, hanging out with Emanuele is always a fun and alcoholic albeit expensive affair. Despite harboring some illogical resentment against Californians, Emanuel and I see each other almost every week. I should have hung out with him last semester when I first met him, but back then he was just this MBA friend’s sleazy roommate.

Once again, I find myself on the outside of the UC group for various personal reasons. This time I have thrown my lot in with the Singaporeans, who with their genuine personalities and exceptional kindness have won me over.

If only Felicia was as good of a classmate as she is a friend

Felicia and I quickly became partners for our class project because we sat close to each other, which turned out to be a huge mistake because both of us do not care about the class. Initially I had wanted to drop the class but because I had already committed to being Felicia’s partner so I stayed. Now every week I exchange two and a half hours of my life for a friend that is always ready to help me out when I need it. A great listener and conversationist, I am lucky to have met Felicia as soon as I did because I certainly needed a friend that was close to home.

Wan Ching
Too energetic to hold still for a proper picture

Not quite sure, how I became friends with Wan Ching but one thing is certain, I spend a lot of time with her. The first time I met Wan Ching, I was struck by the amount of energy that radiated from her. Seemingly always running at a hundred and ten percent, Wan Ching is fun to have around and even now, her extremely energetic responses catch me off guard. Our time here in Shanghai maybe running out, but Wan Ching has strong aspirations to work in the US and I have a feeling that she is not going to let anything stop her. The question is not if but when am I going to see her after leaving Shanghai.

So much silliness went into getting this shot

The one word that I use to describe Dawn to everybody I meet is “crazy” and this is usually followed by me grabbing at the air around my head four or five times in an attempt to illustrate her scatter brained personality. Hilariously, people who have met her usually understand what I am getting at. However, as much as I make fun of Dawn for being Buzz Lightyear (spaced out) all the time, I would not have her any other way. Dawn always manages to lighten the mood with her corny jokes, which she half mumbles with great enthusiasm. If I am ever down in Shanghai, Dawn is the first one I call because she makes me laugh just by being herself.
