Monday, January 11, 2010

Gimme, Gimme: Advice For London!!!

It's been awhile since I wrote anything, but the truth is there hasn't been much to write about. Home is boring. I finished all four seasons of Dexter (done sometime last week), played countless games of Risk, and slept a solid eight to nine hours everyday. I have consistently been waking up before 10 AM with relative ease, a feat that I never would have thought possible before this break. For the past week and a half I was forced to entertain myself, ditched by the friends I have back home (apparently they have more important things to do, like go to college). I go to church on Sundays. My mom takes advantage of my dire circumstances and easily persuades me to accompany her to do the most mundane and ordinary of tasks. Like a twisted version of Batman and Robin, I have been relegated to the role of sidekick. I don't fight crime; I fight dirty dishes. I don't throw the trash of the city in prison; I throw the trash out. I don't take down drug rings and mafia bosses; I take down Christmas lights. It's not that I don't enjoy spending quality time with my mom, but after awhile it gets old.

Is it ever worth coming back home during either winter or summer break? Yes, it is -- for the first couple of days. But after I've eaten some of my mom's home cooking, met up with my friends, and watched so much TV I become bored, I know I'm ready to go back to school. Never during my whole career as a college student have I been more homesick at school than I have been "schoolsick" at home. I haven't been writing much this break because that was all of it, neatly summarized in two paragraphs. However, now that it's almost over you can expect me to write more often than once every other week.

Which brings me to happier thoughts -- I'm finally leaving for London on Tuesday! After waiting all of summer break, fall semester, and finally winter break, there's only one hurdle left for me to jump -- packing. That and the recent snowstorm that's hit all of England.

Photo: NASA via BBC. So this is the shitstorm I'm flying into...

I want to use this post as an opportunity for you, the readers, to really contribute to the blog. What sort of places should I go, eat at, and visit -- not only in London, but anywhere in Europe? What sort of crazy things should I put on my itinerary (within reason of course: nothing illegal please)? What are some tips and tricks to living the high life? Seniors -- this is your chance to live vicariously through me. Juniors -- you also have the chance to live vicariously through me. I'm sure many of you are scrambling to finish those summer internship applications and get interviews. I know it must be hectic, but you can read up on the good time I'm having, chuckle, and wish you could go back in time and be in my shoes. Sophomores not coming with me to London -- you can just read and be jealous. So, to anyone who's been in London/Europe, whether you studied abroad there, lived there, or even if you've only visited, let me know how I can make the most of my time. Who knows, perhaps some of your suggestions may become the subject of future blog posts!

On that note: Do British girls flock towards Americans in the same way American girls drool over British accents?



Life After ARC said...

To respond to that last bit: Are you hot, cute, or handsome?

Rian said...

You must go to the Guinness factory in Dublin. Try also to make it to Edinborough, supposedly its a very spiritual place. You might see ghosts, UFOs, crop circles, or the Chupacabras!

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