Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Great Beginning To An Epic Adventure

I went to the airport going through the usual routine: check my bags in, eat a bowl of udon at that Japanese place in SFO, and say goodbye to my family. I get in the security clearance line only to realize I was surrounded by people dressed like it was the 70’s, complete with loud shirts, gaudy gold chains, bold sunglasses, and afros. There must have been at least 100 people dressed up altogether, including this guy in a banana suit wearing plastic neon orange aviators. The first thing that came to my mind was that this must be one of those Improv Everywhere pranks. That, or there was some huge 70’s disco cosplay convention in London that I hadn’t heard of. Both seemed equally improbable, yet I couldn’t think of a better answer. I wasn’t able to wrap my mind around this situation.

However, after a bit of questioning, it turns out they were all Stanford business students going to Las Vegas to party it up 70s style. I thought the whole concept was fantastic, as well as hilarious – these students from one of the premier universities in the nation – business bitches – let loose to go party it up in Vegas. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed going through security as much as I did today. Just watching these people dressed up made it memorable, not to mention the sight of them having to take off their afro wigs, gold chains, and large belts to get through security. I must have counted at least three people wearing roller skates – to the airport! However, I have to say the most memorable moment was the sight of Mr. Bananasuit trying to stuff his costume through the X-ray machine. I wonder how he’s going to be able to sit down in his seat…

Last couple of people boarding. The ladies smile for the camera!

This is a great start to what I am sure will be an epic semester. I’ll take it as a sign for good things to come.



Unknown said...

have fun!! i might go during the summer :D

sarahyangg said...

hahha thats funny :]

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