Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What Is With Marketing...

Fuck you Facebook and your ridiculously addicting games!

I've shocked myself by wasting four never mind, five ok, scratch that, six hours of my life in the Gramercy study lounge yesterday night playing online Risk (yes, the board game), Youtubing music videos and Facebook stalking my friends, not to mention my uncanny ability to click one link after another. It's must be some kind of death spiral curse I've got going on here because whenever I sit down to do marketing, I can't take it seriously. I ended up blowing off my work until three in the morning when I remembered I needed to spit out a six-page marketing report for class.

While I was procrastinating, I came across some fun sites to browse through. Hopefully this will help ease the pain of finding suitable procrastinatory material.

Superhero role play + Sex = Fucking ridiculous

Look at this fucking hipster
Sometimes I wonder if these people are just dressing up for this site or if they really exist. Oh wait, what am I talking about -- I go to fucking NYU. I see people like this on the streets everyday.

Is this where Facebook comments go to hell?
