Sunday, December 20, 2009

The boredom that is home

While emoinacloset is stressing over finals. Across the country, our hero, muffinman is struggling to maintain his sanity...

I have discovered that the excitement of coming home wears out after just a day, or rather I have known that since the first time I came home but I just go into denial and hope that this break will be different. It never is. My days are spent playing Mass Effect, which I just beat an hour ago before writing this post, meeting with friends, and rolling with Kevin.

The problem is not the lack of friends, as some of you might suggest, but just a lack of things to do with them. I have once again ran into that wall of what to do. Coffee only works so often before running out of things to talk about, besides, the conversations so far have been far from entertaining. People seems to have just hunkered down and taken school a little more seriously, which is great for them, but leads to a lack of interesting college stories. Hearing about extended stays at the library are just not as exciting as stories that start with "this one night I got so drunk..."

Jiu jitsu keeps me sane, right now, like it does at school, but Kevin is the only person who is willing to do it with me. Actually, I take that back, Josh wants to participate but he wakes up at 5pm so he might as well have no interest. Kevin and I roll (spar) on the astro turf at Leland, it is not ideal, but it is the softest surface that we can find. I want to get mats, however, at $25 a mat and I need at least 10 mats, I just cannot afford it.

Now that I have finished Mass Effect, which is a great game, I am struggling with what to do with my life. I guess I just have to wait for emoinacloset to get back so we can share drinking stories over drinks.

Sobriety is definitely a detriment to mental health.
Thank God, Kevin has a fifth of vodka and I actually have a source this break.



sarahyangg said...

dont drink!

Life After ARC said...

but it is good for my sanity!


Life After ARC said...

don't worry babe, i'm coming home soon


Anonymous said...

Let's drink

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