Saturday, December 19, 2009

24 Hours At Stern And Counting...

It’s finals season and things are pretty intense. I've got three exams I need to take from now, one each on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday -- and yes, that means I'll be going home on Christmas Eve. I don't even want to think about how that's going to work out with the holiday rush, in addition to the massive blizzard that's going on right now as I type. This post will only be a short study break! I'll get back to work as soon as I finish, unlike the past two days where I've somehow managed to squander six hours playing on and the 10+ hours spent fucking around with other Sternies (this doesn't include the amount of time I've spend on Facebook).

For example, last night I came to Stern at 11PM determined to get some shit done for once. Instead, I stayed up all night talking and bonding with my fellow BAPers who along with me did not get shit done. It was an epic fail; I read three pages for my Economics of Global Business final in the ten hours I was there. It got bad to the point where Jim Cheng called the few minutes we actually studied “study breaks” because we took breaks from talking and then went on to study for five minutes. At this rate, I might as well be nocturnal, waking up as the sun sets and going to sleep when the sun rises.

Because of the numerous self-distractions I've put myself through, in the past 24 hours I’ve only been back to my dorm once, and that was only to grab my marketing textbook and take a shower. In other words, I’ve practically lived here the whole time. Let's just say I've unofficially moved out of Gramercy early since I'll be living in Stern for the next couple of days (although it's doubtful I get more work done here). Studying, eating, and sleeping all happen here now, and unfortunately there is no life outside of Tisch third floor for me.

At least the snow is keeping everyone here with me; no one wants to go outside and face the weather alone to go back home. It's so bad, the snow cleaner guy has just left his snow machine outside in the plaza. It's as if he was in the middle of clearing it when he screamed, "Fuck this shit! I'm going home."

I pulled all-nighters with friends, trudged around six inches of snow for a midnight coffee run having mini-snowball fights along the way, and joined everyone in the study lounge to have an epic snowball fight in Gould Plaza. Even though I'm still studying for finals, there are periods of fun that stand out in my mind. All that's left now is to finish up this semester and head back to California. I'm going to miss New York.
