Monday, November 16, 2009

This Is Pathetic

It’s now 4 AM, I still haven’t finished studying for my marketing midterm today and I haven’t started writing my Chinese composition. But after watching endless music videos, surfing the net reading uninteresting articles, and repeatedly going on Facebook looking at the same damn pictures over and over again, I’ve decided to be somewhat productive by blogging. I know it’s been awhile since my last post but there hasn’t been much to blog about! Once Fed Challenge ended I had about two weeks where all I had to worry about was school. I was able to go home right after classes and bum around the rest of the day watching Mad Men, catching up on sleep, eating cheap Chinese takeout, and playing PSP all snuggled up in my bed.

But now things are starting to get busy again.

1) I’m going do a presentation on a company called Fibria (Brazilian pulp/paper manufacturer) for my club, Investment Analysis Group (IAG) this Friday. I’ll basically be doing equity research and then pitch the stock to the club to be added into the club portfolio. It’s not as time consuming or hard to understand as the U.S. economy, but it’s a lot of reading. We still have to make the PowerPoint, do a valuation (mostly done by the seniors presenting with me), and practice presenting.

2) Companies will start recruiting for summer analyst positions this week, so going to these presentations is going to take up a significant amount of time. I'm a little worried about the whole summer internship situation because I’ll be abroad in the spring, making it more inconvenient to find myself something. I also need to buy some new dress shirts because I feel sorry for the only one I have – I’ve been wearing it every time I’ve suit-ed up and I think it’s tired of the abuse.

3) I’ve been making preparations to go to London by applying for my student visa. It actually doesn’t take much time, but I procrastinated on applying for my visa (pff typical) and it turns out I have to do a fingerprint scan. The earliest appointment I could get was sometime next week, after which I need to old-school mail in my actual visa application to the U.K. Embassy. Unfortunately, the whole process is supposed to take 4 weeks in itself so I’m wondering if I’ll be able to get my visa before I leave for London.

4) I also had to replace my phone because the charger didn’t connect with it. For about three days I felt completely isolated from the rest of the world (kinda sad how reliant on technology we've become). However, I was able to “fix” my problem temporarily by using Nick’s old phone to charge the battery, and then switch the battery with the battery in my phone whenever I needed to (His screen is broken. And it’s missing a few buttons, not to mention there’s a huge crack down his phone. Effectively useless). My mom eventually sent me her old phone, which is decent (at least it has color!). I was a little disappointed though – I wanted a Blackberry so I could look more like a business bitch, but since I’ll be going international eight out of the next twelve months, getting a expensive new phone didn’t seem practical.

Now that I’ve caught up I can blog in more detail about individual events. What sucks about getting behind on life is that you just end up procrastinating even more because you don’t want to write so much. I’m going to have to get back to studying now. Geez, most of marketing is common sense but they come up with funky names that only a marketer could think of (cash cows anyone?). Just means more work for me and extended boring-ness in my life. Sigh.



Life After ARC said...

I am in the same boat right now, it is 3am here and I have an econ midterm. I also check facebook obsessively despite the fact that there are no new updates. Also, I would kill to take a marketing midterm instead of a stats one tomorrow. The fact tht I am starting work on Wednesday means tht I need fucking work clothes. I realized today, that I do not have acceptable shoes.

Crazy to think that you will be in another country soon. BTW what are you doing for thanksgiving? We could do a left behind video chat since I am not going home either.


Life After ARC said...

I'm not sure what I'll be doing for thanksgiving. My suitemate invited me to his place, but a part of me wants to stay in the dorm and have the whole place to myself. And yea, videochat would be awesome. Maybe we could get Robocop in it and do a three-way


Unknown said...

omgosh you guys scare me for marketing and stats. i gotta take 2 quarters of stats and i'm majoring in marketing. sounds like i'll be screwed! good luck on midterm stuffs :)

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