Friday, October 9, 2009

WTF am I doing?

Just minutes ago I realized, I am hella screwing up.

My to do list that was started at the beginning of this quarter has completely stagnated. Despite having ample time to do so, I have not:
1) Gone to the academic advising office
2) Gone to the study abroad office
3) Done any reading for my courses
Instead what I have managed to do, is get wasted like emoinacloset last night.

Everything is so convoluted right now, what seemed simple minutes ago is incredibly complex now. I am beginning to realize that double majoring in conjunction with studying abroad is a major problem. I do not think I can get enough major courses if I study abroad, so this means I might have to compromise and cut my studying abroad short. Which of course sounds terrible, I want to go to China or wherever for a year. To add on top of that I just looked at the study abroad website and it says that I need an American passport to go to China. How the fuck am I supposed to get a passport ready for next year when I am not even a citizen?!

This is of course all on top of my growing pile of course work that I have not touched. I am beginning to realize that this year is very different from the last. There is far less direction and as a result I have begun to get lost. I have no idea what I should be doing in Anthropology besides reading and attending lecture, it feels like I am so behind but according to the course calendar, I am keeping up? Both courses of economics are confusing the shit out of me. When I go to lecture I just mindlessly copy the board without any idea of what it all means.

I need to seriously get my shit together right now


x0ashley said...

And what are you doing tonight?
Oh yeah. Drinking coke and rum.
Hopefully you actually start getting stuff done even if you party. Gooood luck.

Angela said...

don't worry, just really pick it up this week and work work work! and then you'll be all caught up. simple. :)

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