Friday, October 2, 2009

A week of firsts

Thursday ends my first full week of school and with it a lot of firsts too.

1) First week in a long time that I went to all my classes and discussions.
This was a big deal since I attended maybe one course a quarter consistently last year. Not sure if I am getting more out of school by attending class, but I heard you are supposed to attend class so I am going to stick with it for a little while longer. It is really hard to get up in the morning and motivate myself to go to class and pay attention, props to whoever is still attending all their classes. This week I also learned that 80 minute classes and night classes are terrible.

2) First time in the career center
I no longer just notice that big career services building as of this week I can now say that I have stepped foot in it. This achievement is really thanks to emoinacloset and Ashley. My pride is not letting me fall behind emoinacloset, I need something to show him up. Thanks to Ashley for telling me and pushing me to go to the resume workshop, she really got the ball rolling for me. As a result a of my efforts, I now have a kick ass resume. It is so good that if I were in charge of hiring someone for a marketing job I would immediately choose me off my resume alone. Oh and thanks to Joe in the career services center for reviewing my resume, you have no idea how much you helped me.

3) First Anthropology class
This class is blowing my mind, when I can pay attention. Learning about things like social selection and why Asians are far more likely to be lactose intolerant than Europeans is fascinating. If only the professor was somewhat competent in lecturing. Listening to him is an overwhelming experience as his lecture does not facilitate note taking at all. The professor talks a mile a minute, backtracks on his lectures and jumps on to tangents, it is hard to tell what is important and what is not. I fear for my midterm.



x0ashley said...

You SHOULD keep going to your classes and discussions. Especially since you're taking upper div stuff! But I'm proud of you for getting serious about your resume stuff. Glad I could help to make you un-lazy. :] SEEEEE, I'm a good friend.

apoonfulofsugar said...

I learned the same thing in Evolution this week!! haha I'm so glad I'm not lactose intolerant

Life After ARC said...

nice nice! (on the resume that is)


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