Monday, October 12, 2009

Thanks everyone!

Jennet instant messages me today, telling me that I owe her 88 dollars and for something else that was good for me. She refused to elaborate on what it was that she had in store for me, so my mind began to wander. "God I hope she is not going to tell me that she got back with Oliver," was my first and final thought as I met up with her at Price center.

What awaited me was not Oliver (Good thing because I would have beat the shit out of Jennet if she got back with him) but a late birthday present. At first, I was confused and jealous when I saw that Brian had sent a package to Jennet. "Why Jennet and not me?" I thought to myself when I saw the return address on the package, but surprise, surprise the package was for me.

I opened the box to find a beautiful pocket compass. "What an strange present," I wondered out loud. Then I realized that it fit me quite well, considering I am terrible at directions. I read all the cards/letters. Robocop's was by far the gayest, but I appreciated the emotion despite its awkwardness. Emoinacloset's card was inappropriately sexual but the part about why he appreciates me was very touching. I burst out laughing when I read dontscuffmyshoes's letter because it represented exactly who she was with the awkward and choppy sentences. I do not know what the fuck Eric meant with his "I dare you to hug a Punk," phrase and drawing of a mohawk penguin, but thanks.

I love the compass, and will carry it with me as soon as I find a chain for it. I am also going to try to get it engraved with my name because I am vain like that.

Thank You,


Unknown said...

maybe we should stop saying we're gonna beat the shit out of people. it always seems to be misconstrued :T

Life After ARC said...

i think my card was just the right amount of sexual.


x0ashley said...

See, I told you that you were violent. :]

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