Wednesday, October 14, 2009

0h Hai, L1f3 Pwns M3

Last weekend was really hectic; the only thing I'm remotely satisfied with are the two midterms I had on Monday. For all the hours I spent studying, including an all-nighter on Sunday, I feel like I didn't do too badly.

Unfortunately, some of the other stuff going on was a complete fail.

First off, I interviewed for an E-Committee position in Finance Society (a club).

Good points: I knew three out of the four people who were interviewing me – one is my mentor from BAP, another is in Fed Challenge with me, and the last person I’ve met from some kind of event. I also felt like I answered the questions pretty well.
Bad points: One, I did not go to a single Finance Society meeting or event last year, and two, the fourth interviewer was really against me because I was going to be studying abroad for two semesters.

His concern was legitimate – after all, here I am applying for a leadership position for a club that I wasn’t even part of last year, and on top of that I was going to be gone for all of 2010. Even if I were interviewing me, I’d be thinking, ‘Who the fuck does this jerk-off think he is?’ Once he found out I was studying abroad two semesters, he kept reminding me why I was a shitty candidate. By the time the interview was done, my spidey-senses told me I probably wouldn’t get the position.

Next, Fed Challenge.

To make a long story short, my group was covering the financial sector for our presentation, but our senior dropped out because he got too caught up trying to find a job. The worst part of this is that Imran and I were waiting on our drop-out so that all of us could discuss what we were going to talk about, but in the end he didn’t even show up to the meetings, much less do any work. Our group of two was forced to do three people’s work in the four days we had left before presenting our results to everyone else. Keep in mind we were supposed to have two weeks to work on this, so while everyone else had fully fleshed out presentations, our presentation was the equivalent of a starving dog that had been kicked to the curb – just sad and pathetic.

The most epic failure of all was my second interview.

This was a phone interview, so I really had no excuse to fuck it up. I should have had a whole bunch of notes in front of me about the company, what the position was about, why I wanted this job and other important stuff like how many ping pong balls can fit into a bathtub. However, between midterms and Fed Challenge I completely forgot to prepare anything. The conversation went something like this:

“Hi, Emoinacloset, how are you doing? Do you understand what the position entails?”
“Well, I’m going to, like, be doing stuff with people that involves, like, things… uhhh and other stuffs too?”
“You have no idea what we do, do you.”
“Shit, this is so FUBAR”
--Employer has kickbanned Emoinacloset

Life's harsh.
