Sunday, October 25, 2009

People in glass houses should not throw stones PART 3

The situation has escalated even further especially now that Gloria's boyfriend has joined in the fray and started issuing some thinly veiled threats. Cannot find the time to to write a response right now, so I am just going to put Michael's message up for now.

Michael's letter:

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. I am Michael, the Michael of "Michael and Gloria" that you have heard of via our mutual friend, Ashley.

The reason I am taking time out of my studies to write you is this: your blog post caught my eye and sent a wave of deep frustration coursing through my veins. You see, Muffinman, based on you publishing in a public venue a message that was private and then responding with your cunning and sarcastic tones, I already have the impression that you have an elevated opinion of yourself. Combine that with the reputation that precedes you as a jerk and a violent person, and I believe most would share my first impression of you: weak, insecure, and bullying.

Now, to be fair, I will admit that I do not have your side of the story - but I do know the victim's side, and in this situation that is enough evidence to suffice. You claim you are Ashley's friend. Okay. But let me ask you this, Muffinman. If you had a young sister, say in middle school, would you appreciate bullies on the playground calling her bitch, slut, and retard? I think it is safe to say that is a "No." If you had friends that were violent toward you, would you want to spend more time with them? Again, probably not.

The difference I see is this: you are a young man in his late teens, strong and able to defend himself when necessary. If someone were treating you badly, you would let them know how you felt, or you would deal with it however you deal with those types of social situations. However, Ashley is not a strong, testosterone-driven teenage male, and she may be afraid of how you would react if she stood up for herself. She certainly is the victim in this situation, and most victims tend to be frightened of approaching their aggressor.

Muffinman, I say this as Ashley's friend. Please change the way you speak to Ashley, as well as the way you act around her. If she isn't saying it to you, I am. Either change your behavior, or leave her alone, because she doesn't deserve this treatment from anyone. She has enough stress in her life, and I care about her too much to see people beating on her emotions in the way you are.

And now, Muffinman, I say this as Gloria's partner. I find it extremely perturbing that you would publish a private note asking you to change how you treat her best friend on your public blog. I find it more frustrating that you used such sarcastic tones to whittle her down in response to her request. I have tried to keep my composure as professional as possible here, but don't you fucking dare talk to Gloria that way. I will not tolerate it.

And now, I bid you adieu, "muffinman". I hope you had as much fun reading this as you experienced while writing your response to Gloria. Someday, you may learn that the way to achieving ultimate success is not through being a jerk, but through being a caring friend. Because in the end, your friends are the ones that will give you breaks.


How deep will this rabbit hole go?


Life After ARC said...

The messages you guys are writing to each other are beginning to sound a lot like the youtube flame wars. lol.. everyone is a self-righteous bastard, well versed in the English language.

muffinman, you've got a natural talent for stirring trouble.

if you ever get that place in SF when you're older, im buying you a bullet proof vest.


Life After ARC said...


Life After ARC said...

I am so glad to see you commenting again!
Welcome back to the world of the living and to be fair Gloria started it first. I am not self righteous, just calling it like how I see it. After all I did not send the first message and you know I never back down from a challenge.


Life After ARC said...

i like how most of the comments are words of relief for my still being alive.

getting back to the topic at hand, why would you post the fb messages on the blog, muffinman?


Life After ARC said...

Because this is something interesting that I wanted to share with you all. Plus I wanted to knock Gloria off her high horse. You think I should have handled this situation differently? You must know that I do not handle hypocrisy very well.


Unknown said...

sorry. i don't have a horse, jon.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I thought of was "Gloria doesn't have a horse; she has a donkey (a.k.a. a jackass) and its name is Michael. Interesting how Michael and Muffinman are the same age, yet Michael is being condescending and maybe Muffinman deserves it, maybe he doesn't. To be fair, I will admit that I don't have Michloria's side of the story, but I do know Muffinman's (who can arguably be considered a victim of sorts, considering the fact that he is the recipient of numerous angry messages) side of the story, and in this situation that is enough evidence to suffice.

Mike said...

I have very few words.
J - You seem like the type of person who enjoys inciting conflict among people in a group. Congratulations, you've succeeded well here. I suggest you end this and grow up. It's water under the bridge.
K - I don't give a hoot about you because you are very inexperienced at the art of argumentation. You may call me anything you wish...jackass, idiot, retard, whatever you please. It goes to further prove your immaturity.

Life After ARC said...

The hypocrisy in telling me to end this cannot be understated considering the fact that you escalated this situation well after I decided to let it go.

Oh and I find your comment quite witty Katrina, keep it up. You can tell it really got under his skin.


Anonymous said...

To be honest, Michael, I wasn't actually trying to make an argument. I was simply trying to even the odds of this verbal battle with sarcasm, seeing as how one of my good friends was outnumbered 2 to 1. Of course, name calling is always immature. I didn't mean it personally; I just thought it was a nice play of words. It was purely rhetorical, not personal. But you do have an interesting point that I am inexperienced at the art of argumentation, seeing as how I was satirizing your argument by imitating it completely. Could it be that you just insulted yourself? Surely not; you seem much too intelligent for that!

Life After ARC said...

Are you sure about that Katrina? I believe that you are giving Michael too much credit. Judging from his last comment I believe that he has the intelligence of a ten year old. I do not think I have heard cockface used since elementary school. To see him get so worked up over some blog comments makes me wonder how he lives his life.

Michael, I want to tell you that my friends think your comments are hilarious so keep the laughs coming.


Life After ARC said...

Hey Mike, robocop here.
Haha, I really wish I could just use my real name, because the previous sentence sounded nothing short of embarrassing.

Anyway, I'd like to say that I do respect you for standing up to the likes of muffinman. It's refreshing, and what you are doing for ashley and your girlfriend is rather chivalrous and noble, but once you tell a "cockface" to fuck off, you're just throwing all of that noble incentive out of the window.

Like you said, it's water under the bridge.

My two cents,

p.s. I'm not sure if I'm experienced at the art of argumentation, but you can be the judge of that.

Life After ARC said...

Jesus Christ, this has gotten out of hand.

This whole situation is fucking retarded. Can you guys please put your dicks away because this argument isn't doing anything. If anything, the whole situation about Ashley, the reason why this thing started in the first place, has degenerated into some mindless squabble, no thanks to Muffinman.

Mike, nice try to try and get muffinman to change but he's got a big ego. From what you've written I can see why Gloria must like you, but as of right now you've played right into muffinman's hands. As you said, muffinman likes to be the center of drama. Who knows why but I know I've told him it's a fucking stupid thing to do more than once. The only thing to do now is to try and walk away from this, BOTH OF YOU (yes, that includes you muffinman). Now, can we please stop, at least for Ashley's sake?

But if you both want to continue to cluck like chickens, then fine, good for you guys. You've proved that both of you are some big fucking swinging dicks.


x0ashley said...

Can you guys please just stop?

Jonathan, you're going to read this and delete it because I wrote your name but I don't care. You weren't going to end it that soon, and you know it. You were just going to concoct some terrible end to it anyways. Please please please stop.

Mike, I tolddddddddddddddddddddddddd you not to bring it up anymore. I just want this immaturity to end and saying stuff in response to Katrina definitely did not help with that.

I don't even want to say anything about Katrina because I don't know her at all. So I'm just going to stay quiet about that. But just so you know, I'm really not a pushover. Maybe I'm just too nice? That's what I keep hearing, anyway. Maybe there's a fine line between those two... I guess that you can be justified in saying what you did in defense of Jon, but you really didn't need to call my friends immature names. Why can't you comment like Brian?

Brian, this has turned out to be pretty ridiculous because of stupid words thrown around at each other. I don't know if Jon will quite understand why I'm going to stay away from him for a while, but I think that you will. If that's the case, please tell him to leave me alone. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike you should fight muffinman fight club style it'll be cool I'll film it and post it and everything

Anonymous said...

Hey Ashley, also, don't you go to the same school as Jonathan? And won't it be hella awkward if you guys see each other?

Think about it man, you'll be walking down the hallway and and uh oh, there he is did he see you? Should you dive in some bushes or pretend to be doing something else like texting or staring at the ceiling?

Come on we're more mature than this guys!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what jon’s been doing with his life and decided to take a look at this blog for the first time. To no surprise, he hasn’t changed. Apparently he is now “muffinman” and continues to consider himself extremely classy with his big words and cruel humor. This blog seems to be his newest method for attention since baking. Why else would he post private facebook messages here for everyone to laugh at?

This whole thing proves how pathetic jon’s life is. He seriously compares his “double” personality to a muffin? (entry: “Why Muffinman?”) But of course, his abrasive “hard exterior” personality he depends on so much to draw attention suddenly turns into the “soft interior” (of a muffin, remember) whenever he seeks comfort for his insecurities (eg. failed relationship) using it as an excuse for times he wants to be taken seriously and treated as a normal person. I treat people the way I expect to be. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for jon since muffinman is actually a “sensitive” person.

This guy is no more than a miserable kid picking on those weaker than him, trying to make up for his insecurities. He writes blogs all day, bakes, pulls pranks, bitches at people, and then begs them to have lunch with him.

Muffinman will do one of three things after reading this. He will accept the fact that he can be a decent person if he changes and grows a pair, delete this post in order to avoid exposing his name and deny the truth about him, or use any flaw of mine/grammatical error in this post to his advantage and create another blog entry to show every person who’ll talk to him and then laugh it off with his equally pathetic roommates, gaining a full two minutes of attention it takes to read his blog. (hey look it’s a run-on sentence)

Some people will probably judge me for these obnoxious words but come on, the guy’s like twenty years old. I actually took the time to point out his flaws. He’s seriously going to get hurt if he continues with this into the future. Maybe I’m taking this too seriously but what did Ashley do to deserve all this?

Unknown said...

sorry. i just thought that those comments were really funny. good job emoinacloset and robocop. :D

sarahyangg said...

i think everyone here is stupid,
except robocop and emoinacloset, you guys are hilarious.
and tasteslkeburning, your comments are pretty witty as well.

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