Monday, October 5, 2009

Joining Beta Alpha Psi

Beta Alpha Psi is an “honor society” (but most people refer to it as if it were a frat) that was originally supposed to cater to accountants. Somehow at Stern, it’s become an accounting/finance/information systems frat, but that’s like all of Stern anyways so it’s not really excluding anyone. However, the social dynamic is largely subdued; you won't see any hazing or drinking parties here (at least none that I've seen so far) compared to some of the other professional frats here.

My hopes for BAP are that first, they’ll get me a job, and second, I’ll be able to get to know and be close to more Sternies.

I’ve always felt disconnected from the Stern community. Don’t get me wrong, I love the school, my classes and professors, and all the business students who not only know how to party but also get serious and can talk about the latest issue in the Wall Street Journal. Only at a party full of Sternies can you be intoxicated yet still have a coherent conversation on the latest finance/macroeconomic trends. Call me a nerd, but I really like this stuff; I know Stern was right for me and I know this is what I want to do, but to be honest I didn’t feel like I was a part of anything at Stern.

In my freshman year, I devoted time to making friends on my floor rather than get to know the other Sternies; I didn’t branch out my network enough. I made great friends in and out of Stern and I don’t regret it, but I wonder if maybe I spent a little too much time in my dorm. I didn’t do any Stern clubs or find my own group of friends within Stern, and so I always felt like a black sheep in a sea of white, slightly awkward and terribly self-conscious. This feeling probably exacerbated the situation; after classes I would go straight back to my dorm and hang out with the people on my floor instead of mingling and getting to know some of my classmates.

By the time I realized my situation it was too late: groups had been locked down and I had failed to establish my place in at least one of them. Of course, I know a couple of Sternies, but I only feel like I’m truly friends with a couple of them, whereas the rest of them are clinging on that fine line between mere acquaintances and down-to-earth friendship.

Good news though. This year I’ve gotten to know more people through the World Studies Track (with a size of about 35 students, it’s impossible to not meet anyone) and I’ve already met a bunch of people through BAP that I probably wouldn’t have had a chance to otherwise. Things are looking up for the better.
