Saturday, October 3, 2009

Frustrations of a college life

Last night was terrible.

It started off like any other Friday night with the beer pong and shots flowing, the only downside to tonight was the fact that I was sick. Who knew the night would end in such a disaster.

Things started when Angela got wasted to the point where she was having problems staying in her chair. If that was not bad enough, Vince takes her back to his room for another shot. Only when Angela is on the ground does she tell me that she was drinking on an empty stomach. Next thing I know, Vince and I are carrying her back to my apartment and all along the way she was fighting us to play another game of beer pong. Long story short Kevin, Ashley and I spent the next two hours taking care of Angela. Her case was bad, but it definitely was not the worse I had to deal with, Robocop gets that honor.

Last night when the shit ht the fan, my friends really came through for me. If Kevin had not helped in taking care of Angela, the night would have been a lot longer and a lot messier. I was asking a lot of Kevin since I woke him up twice to help and he barely knows Angela. Ashley's role that night was also crucial, I was so lucky to have her come when I called at 1am, with no questions or complaints. Thank God, for Shelly who lives above me for supplying me with stuff at three in the morning, with no complaints even when I woke her up. I owe all of you a lot, so expect some baked goods soon, as a sign of gratitude.

When I woke up this morning I was hella pissed at Angela, all I could think about was how I was never going to invite her to drink with me again. I initially started this post to vent my frustrations with her, but as the day went by my anger subsided and this post has turned from a "I hate Angela" post to more of a "I love my friends" post. After meeting up with her tonight (no way of avoiding her, God knows I was trying today) I realize I am not that upset with her at all because I know my apartment mates and I are going to make fun of her for this night a lot, so she is going to be paying for this for a long time.

You hella owe me Angela but you can still drink with me