Tuesday, September 15, 2009

There’s More to Life Than Having a Really, Really, Really, Ridiculously Cool Blog


I bought a mini-notepad to carry around in my back pocket so that whenever I have free time (for example when I’m waiting for the shuttle bus) I have something on hand where I can write stuff down and easily carry it around with me, whether it’s a blog idea, important events I need to keep in mind, or even something I need to pick up at the grocery store. I tend to forget things pretty easily so this should be a better solution than having to write to-do lists down on my hand; after a while my hand just looks black and splotchy from all the scribbles. When I write notes on my hand they gradually melt away throughout the course of the day. As if my memory didn’t have problems enough, my hand becomes illegible too; it's as if my hand were mocking my terrible short-term memory.

On the other hand, my digital camera finally came, although my friends have used it more than I have. The day I got it I tried taking some pictures of the party that went on that night, but my friend/former roommate abducted it because it’s Fashion Week here in New York. He’s a studio art major and wants to become a fashion designer, but he’s totally straight, even though I was unsure the first time I met him. Anyways, he wanted to use the camera to take a picture of a Fashion Week pass so that he can make his own and then get into all the exclusive events. I honestly don’t know if he’ll succeed.

For those camera whores out there who are wondering what kind of camera I got, it’s a Canon SD780 IS, about $250 retail +tax, although you can probably find cheaper prices online. From what I can see it takes good pictures. I’m no pixel-whore so I can’t really discern the difference between the photos from a really, really, REALLY good camera and just photos that’ll serve my general everyday purposes, but it works for me. It’s got HD video which should come in handy as well, but the best thing about this camera is that it’s small. Ridiculously small. The camera is the size of a credit card and about as thick as your cell phone, which makes it… well, really, really, really, ridiculously tiny (and good looking!)

With that, expect pictures of my magnificent dorm soon (someday)!



Life After ARC said...

You know that this blog is for somewhat notable events. It is not for terrible ms paint jobs and camera specs. These posts will not count towards your share of the book deal.


Life After ARC said...

what a ho... I'll blog about whatever I want


sarahyangg said...

^ ahhahah!

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