Monday, September 14, 2009

Moments of Inspiration From… Bank of America Recruiting Session

“We’re looking for people who are hungry, who are ready to hit the ground running at 100 miles per hour, who know what they want.”

“The most important thing a person in Investment Banking can have is time management and prioritizing their tasks.”

“What separates NYU students from other students in top-tier institutions is the fact that NYU is right in the city. You can get a part-time internship while going to school, join the mentor program you have here, or go do other things whether it’s going to the Investment Analysis Group or joining Beta Alpha Psi. Network! You would have to be an idiot not to take advantage of this. Sure, there are plenty of students who just go to school and sit in class nine to three, study from three to six and then go to sleep, but we’re not looking for anybody like that.”

“It’s a slow and methodological process, but it becomes pretty apparent when looking at the analysts to see the people who doesn’t want to just crunch away at their keyboards and build models for the rest of their lives and are instead looking for an opportunity to be an active part in the team by being proactive, or when their supervisors ask for A, B, and C, they come up with D, E, and F along with so-and-so reasons as to why these options should be considered, and then maybe ask to present these ideas at the next team meeting in a presentation.”

Pretty inspiring. I attended a Bank of America info session at the career center with a friend. We were the only ones wearing t-shirts and jeans – everyone else had suits on (I was worried about the dress code situation but he unpersuaded me). When we split up to go talk to various people, I was pretty lost at first. I’d never been to one of those sessions, so I wandered around aimlessly at first – I probably looked pretty ridiculous and sheepish. Later I started listening in on the presenter’s conversation – he was surrounded by a bunch of students. He’s the principal of his division, which is pretty high up. He said all the things that I wrote down above, and every point really hit home for me. Now granted, I’m going to these things because I’m interested in Investment Banking; it might not be something others would be interested in, but I think advice like this can really be applied across the board.

It’s funny how things sound different when it’s not your parents giving you this advice (a.k.a. nagging to my ears). I’m definitely sure my dad has told me these exact same things before; not exactly the same way and in the same context, but the same gist of things. The fact that this stuff was said by a guy who could be my potential boss probably made a big difference, but I feel fired up now.
