Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cause when I'm _____, I'm as happy as can be.

EDIT: Wanted to Label it...

So, late start to this blog. I've already started school, which means I have no time for blogging.

Anyways, I'm taking all science classes this semester. Which sucks because everything kind of just blends together.

I'm so tan right now after band camp. Although, it was actually cold in Davis which apparently never happens. I have like a v-neck tan that's really noticeable. Band's cool. We have some awesome shows this year. Too bad emoinacloset is missing the football game this Saturday. We have a pretty amazing halftime show.

We already got a couple noise complaints from last night's party. It was hilarious last year when the cops showed up. They'll probably come by this year too.

My apartment is cool. But we live right across from a frat. And right next to a frat, so it's always loud every night. And a couple that apparently lives right above us always argue really loudly at night. Also, one of my roommates is a really good cook.

What else. All my professors are really boring. One of my classes was way too full with all the waitlisted people, and I had to stand outside the fucking room during class.

I just spent close to $200 on books and readers and lab manuals. So, I could have bought like five new pairs of kicks. This is a good place to segue way into how I got my nickname, which is apparently dontscuffmyshoes. It's actually really simple. DON'T TOUCH MY SHOES! Or I'll fucking make you suck it. Just kidding. But really, muffinman and Robocop can back this up.

I think I'll make recommendations of music and Youtube videos at the end of my posts.

and listen to I Got You (I Feel Good) by James Brown.

Do it now.



sarahyangg said...

im diggin that this is straight to the point.

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