Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Beginnings in Shanghai

A month has passed since the arrival of the first batch of UC students and things could not be better right now.  This semester is full of promise and I have started things off on the right foot.  Already, I have found close friends with whom I feel immensely comfortable with.  There is something different about this batch of UC kids that lets me click with them much more.  Perhaps it is because they are more independent and therefore willing to hang out with me alone.  Last semester, the UC kids always wanted to hangout in a group and because of this I was never really able to get close to anyone due to the disdain I have for hanging out with more than four people. 
In the academic realm, I am very excited by my courses this semester.  I am taking three marketing courses, so for once in my life I will actually be studying what I want to do.  Most excitingly, one of those marketing courses is taught by a PhD in anthropology and the course is all about how to apply anthropology to market research.  It is the type of course that I have always dreamed of!  I have always explained to people how I could apply anthropology to marketing, but it was always my own theory and now for once I get to learn from someone who has actually done it!

Exploring Shanghai has been put on hold and being part of Shanghai is now the priority.  I have started attending Toastmasters meetings, an international club where members get together to practice their public speaking.  My public speaking, after three years of high school speech and debate, makes me one of the best in the whole club.  I even managed to win the impromptu speaking competition they have at every meeting on my second visit.  The speaking competition at the club may be thin, but I really enjoy the company of the members, even if they may be twice my age.  Also, I have started getting involved in a nonprofit called Shanghai Young Bakers, which takes orphans aged 17 to 23 from nearby provinces and trains them in French baking.  It is a nonprofit that I really believe in, led by a French duo that I have complete faith in.     
Yes, this semester is off to a good start.  I already had some noteworthy adventures which I will be sure to write about as soon as I find the motivation.