Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tough Decisions

With half of my study abroad experience over, I need to reflect about what I want to do for the next half.  My first four months in Shanghai have been filled with nothing but fun and shirking of responsibilities.  I have not added anything new to my resume and academically I do not think that I have grown much.  In addition, I did not backpack around China on the weekends like I had planned to.  This was because I did not speak the language, which turned out to be a greater obstacle than I thought.   This break is a crossroads of sorts because I have to decide what to do with my remaining time in Shanghai. 

I can take the professional route and buckle down on those internships.  Already, I have applied to an internship that seems promising.  The beginning of the semester is going to bring a lot of internship opportunities as well, though most of these are just bitch work.  Another plus is that I will be able to spend more time in Shanghai, further integrating myself into the city.  Maybe I will actually pick up some more martial arts training like I have been saying I would.  However, the consequence of this route is that I will be unable to traveling around China and I might end up leaving China without having seen much of anything outside of Shanghai.    

On the other hand, I can stay the course and keep enjoying life like I have been, only to expand my travels outside of Shanghai.  Things to do and see are starting to dry up in Shanghai and I feel I would really regret it if I came back to the states without having been to Xi’an, Beijing or Tibet.  The problem with this option is that it requires a lot of money that I do not have right now.  Not to mention that my family is in a tight spot financially right now. 

What to do, what to do?
