Sunday, January 9, 2011

My completed SWIVEL

During the summer, while doing my internship I met Mr. John Kobara, who was the Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer for the California Community Foundation (CCF), a large nonprofit with over $1 billion US dollars in assets. Mr. Kobara gave me and the other interns an inspiring presentation about how to pursue your dreams. In the presentation, he handed out his S.W.I.V.E.L. worksheet which stands for "strengthening what I value, enjoy, and love." I never got around to finishing that worksheet and for six months I forgot about it.

Fast forward to new years week, where I see that Mr. Kobara had written a blog post about new years resolutions and in the blog post he had a download link to an updated SWIVEL. I downloaded it for the third time and promised myself I would complete it this time. In addition, I wrote on his Facebook wall that I had downloaded the SWIVEL worksheet and was going to do it. The amazing thing was that he actually responded and told me to send him my completed SWIVEL. With Mr. Kobara looking over it, I knew that this time, I needed to walk the walk.

I want to share my completed SWIVEL not just with Mr. Kobara but all of you as well, so that you can remind me when I am straying from my goals this coming year.  Also, I encourage all of you to download the worksheet and fill it out for yourself.  The worksheet a lot more difficult than it sounds.



  1. Personal Mission Statement—What do I want to do with my life next year? What will I stand for and how will I make a difference? (100 words or less)
This coming year I will strengthen my existing professional connections as well as continue to expand my network in order to improve my chances of employment upon graduation.  I want to once again pursue all those hobbies that last year, I was always too tired to get out of bed for.  I will stand with labor and minorities, whose interests are underrepresented and at times neglected.  I will make a difference by giving my time and skills to organizations that I believe are helping the interests of the underrepresented.   

  1. Right now,  my longer term and ideal professional goal is (12 words or less)
Design and run an advertising campaign that lifts a company from obscurity

  1. What are the three most important personal goals for this year?
    1. Reconnect with my family especially my sister
    2. Hold on to the friends that I have made studying abroad
    3. Find and pursue that significant other

  1. What are the three most important professional goals for this year?
    1. Expand professional network while strengthening existing relationships
    2. Get work experience in the private sector
    3. Branch out of social media marketing

  1. What three things do I have to change in my life? Things I have to improve or work on?
    1. Overcome the awkwardness of approaching strangers and asking for help from connections
    2. Take my studies more seriously
    3. Learn to forgive and forget

  1. What three issues, causes, or things am I passionate about? Being more engaged with these things would increase my sense of fulfillment.
    1. Local politics
    2. Martial arts
    3. US – China relations

  1. What am I curious about? I would really appreciate some help exploring/learning about these subjects.
I have a long running personal curiosity over coffee and tea, especially since I aspire to open my own coffee shop one day.  Having somebody teach me about these two drinks would be a dream come true.  Venture capital is a career curiosity of mine that came out this year when I realized that I was constantly getting excited by the startups that were in my own backyard of Silicon Valley. 

  1. How will I expand and diversify my network of friends, confidantes, and mentors?
I will expand my network on campus by attending my professors’ office hours and joining of student organizations.  Diversification of my network will occur in off campus activities, such as employment and the joining of political as well as professional organizations such as the Chinese American Citizens Alliance and Asian Professional Exchange.

  1. With whom will I reconnect and/or strengthen my relationship? Who can I help?
I will strengthen my relationships with the people that I have met while studying abroad in Shanghai.  This is extremely important, because I do not know when I will see them again and they all live thousands of miles away in Asia.  Another priority is to reconnect with old colleagues and work acquaintances, many of whom I have not talked to in months.  Most importantly, I need to reconnect with my sister, who I know I can help because I have survived through high school and my parents’ house.