Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Surprise Birthday Ever

Last week Jeanni planned a wonderful surprise party complete with cake, hats, poppers, masks and lots of alcohol. Only after the party ended and had some time to reflect on it did I realize that this party in Shanghai was actually the first surprise party I ever had.

The day before my birthday, I knew that there was a party planned because it was Varun’s birthday and the MBA students had talked about throwing a joint party. What puzzled me was that as the hours dragged on that day, I still had not heard from anybody about a party or a time to meet up. At around 9pm, Jeanni texted me asking me if I could check out the powerpoint that she and the Indians were making to present their club at 10pm. I agreed and when 10pm rolled around I proceeded to make my way to Sandeep’s place. Now Jeanni had been acting suspicious earlier in the day, so I had suspicions while walking over that this might be the surprise party. When I called her earlier in the day, she told me she was at Wujiaochang, the local shopping plaza, which was not out of the ordinary. However, when I asked her what she was doing there, Jeanni replied with an “I don’t know,” this was really suspicious to me because how can you not know what you are doing at a shopping plaza? Expecting a surprise party I approached Sandeep’s door with extreme caution.

Except when Akhil opened the door, nothing happened. There Jeanni was with Sandeep and Varun working on their powerpoint just like she said she was. Feeling a bit dejected, I looked over their powerpoint, made a few suggestions and resigned myself to spending another birthday in obscurity. Around an hour later, Jeanni announced that we were going back to my apartment because there was a kick back scheduled or something. Strangely enough, this act did not arouse any suspicion in me, probably because I was feeling too dejected at that point.

As we all walked back to the apartment, I noticed that Jeanni had been texting furiously all night. I wondered in my mind who she could be texting since the large majority of her texts go to me. Once again thinking nothing much of this out of the ordinary behavior, I made my way to the apartment. At my apartment door, I stumbled upon a pair of woman’s shoes, neatly placed right outside the door. Thinking that maybe the other Jonathan had finally managed to bring a girl over, I was cautious in opening the door. Interestingly, Varun pointed out that the shoes were an Indian brand, which just made the whole situation even stranger.

When Varun opened the door, we were both greeted with “Happy Birthday” and two cakes with lighted candles. In my moment of shock, everything fell into place in my mind. I quickly turned around and gave Jeanni a big hug, because I just knew that she had planned it all. After all, who else would have the heart?

The cake says 24.5 because it is the average of Varun and my age, except that Varun was turning 28 not 29 that day.

A whole lot of MBA students had come, as well as a few people who roommates of MBA students. “Happy Birthday” was sung and then I got caked for the first time. At midnight, I was expecting to get kicked in the butt by the Indians, something which they had been talking about all week, twenty times for my age and because it was some Indian tradition (still not sure if this is true). As Varun was lining up to kick, I braced myself because he was really winding up, but he just laughed and gave me a light kick and told me the Indians were just messing with me. Relieved, I laughed too, but felt a little dumb for believing them in the first place.

Varun and I celebrating our birthdays

Getting caked for the first time

Throughout the night, there were many cheers and toasts done by Duke who brought baijiu, Chinese rice wine, a drink which nobody enjoyed besides me and Duke. In my own toast, I thanked everybody for coming and for being my “family away from family,” something which I had come to realize a couple of days before while reflecting on my experience in Shanghai. After the bai jiu was finished, I pulled out the bottle of Black Label, which brought back memories of the army for Duke. Jeanni was adamant that I should have no more alcohol, but I had other ideas and thankfully so did Duke because he just kept refilling my cup every time I asked.

Duke (orange shirt) calling another toast

There was a lot of this going on, that is actually Jeanni's hand in the picture

When everything was done, I said my goodbyes to everybody and hugged the ones that I was closest too. Duke reaffirmed me to be his nephew and told me for the billionth time that night that I had now become a man. After everyone had left, Varun and I surveyed the damage. Our living room was entirely trashed, there were a billion beer bottles on the table, wrappers on the floor and even cake on the floor. However, none of this mattered to me at that moment because I was just so happy to have discovered people who cared about me in Shanghai.

That night was definitely the most memorable night to date in Shanghai and one to be remembered for the rest of my life.

Thanks for everything Jeanni (left)


Surprise Birthday Part Pictures