Saturday, August 21, 2010

How my last week at home went down the drain

For a while I was actually glad that I was coming back to San Jose. After five months away from home, I was ready to just kick back and enjoy my mom's cooking. I also saw this as a last chance to strengthen my connection with my family before leaving for Shanghai for a year. And since my dad ditched having lunch with me after my internship graduation because he needed to fix his fishing reel, I felt that there was a definite need to do some reconnecting before I left. Except now, I realized that all my hopes of grabbing coffee with my sister or eating dinner with the family have been completely dashed.

My aunt and grandma decided to come visit, ruining all possibility of doing the things I had mentioned previously. Now, I am stuck listening to my grandma drone on and on about completely irrelevant and irrational things. From my aunt, I have to repeatedly hear her talk about God and how God's love saved her from being bitter over how my grandma treated her when she was a child. The irony of the whole situation is that my aunt is still very much obsessed over how she was mistreated as a child. Conversations with my aunt, no matter what the topic always end up on Christianity or how terrible of a person my grandma is. Monica's blog post are a great example of how anything can be traced back to God. In addition, I really like my grandma, despite how she can talk endlessly for hours without giving you a chance to slip in a word; so when my aunt continually talks shit to me about her, I have a serious problem about it. I swear if this happens again, I am going to have to tell my aunt off.

So what is the plan now? Well I am going to spend Saturday with my Ashley because she has so graciously invited me to her sister's birthday party/family gathering. I am going to ignore my mom's pleas and just spend time with Ashley's family. Why can I not have a nice welcoming family like Ashley's?