Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's Called A Visa (Part 5)

Hopefully this is the last post on the subject.

By the beginning of last week it was pretty much unspoken that I wasn't going to be working at the company.  There was just this huge obvious silence coming from that general direction.  First of all, the boss-man referred me to HR and let them deal with me, so I rarely talked with him on the phone anymore.  And then, the HR guy in charge of me seemed distant every time I tried to call him for an update. Our conversations always ended with, "We'll call you."  The calls never came.  I was always the one who had to initiate the conversation and call them first, even if I gave them the benefit of the doubt by waiting an extra day or two.  I felt like a spurned lover who keeps thinking, 'she'll take me back,' even when the door's been slammed in his face again and again.

I was disappointed, I was angry, but most of all I was frustrated.  If they weren't going to let me work, they should have come right and said, "Sorry, but we can't offer you a position," rather than lead me on with empty promises and no call-backs.  I think I have some idea now of how it feels to be unemployed.  It's so demoralizing -- all you end up doing is lying on your bed with your laptop in front of you, left with nothing but your own thoughts and the hope that someone will post something on your Facebook wall for you to comment on.

However, this story has a happy ending.  Fortunately, I was able to find another internship -- unpaid, but it also means I won't have to apply for another visa.  Thank goodness I can do some kind of work now. It's all I've wanted to do since I got here, and now I'll be able to do it.



Pratik Mehta said...

Wow dude, that's rough. Hopefully the unpaid internship is interesting

OK, I get the right side is coffee, but what are all the numbers on the left side of the background?

Life After ARC said...

I have no idea what the sheet of numbers is, it is just a background picture we got off of the Blogger template, haha


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