Italy from the sky
Ever since I was in eighth grade, I had always dreamed of going to Venice. Watching the Italian Job remake (one of my favourite movies) at the time with the intro robbery and boat chase scene had made Venice one of my top destinations to visit. It was a city built on top of the water -- who wouldn't want to see that? Besides, with global warming causing oceans to rise, I was worried Venice would sink into the Mediterranean before I could even get a chance to see it.
More importantly I was finally in Italy where I would get a chance to intimately get to know its famous cities for the next ten days. I need to mention the delicious food as well. For example, while we were here my friends and I had eaten the equivalent of at least two gelatos (Italian ice cream) a day. That first day in Venice, we ate four. I also never got sick of pizza, pasta and ordering real Italian cappuccinos and espressos at every café we stopped by.
There isn't much to say about Venice except that it is beautiful, so I will let the pictures do the talking. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it?
Murano Island
I pray that love and peace come back to the world,
that people say hello.
Burano Island