Thursday, April 29, 2010

Clothes and my state of mind

Recently I have started to realize that my clothes have come to dictate my state of mind.

Everyday, I wake up in the morning and dress up for work. No more just t-shirt, jeans and sneakers that you are all so used to seeing me in. Now it is all about wearing a nice a button down shirt, jeans and dress shoes sometimes even with dress socks. I have even started to comb my hair! Such a drastic change has occurred that some of my friends need to do a double take when passing by me in order to recognize me.

Besides changing my look, the change of clothes has started to change my state of mind. When I put on my work clothes now, I find myself acting and thinking much more maturely and professionally. Also, my stress level spikes when I am in my work clothes. After work, I change and get back into my "normal" clothes and once again find myself relaxed and laid back.

This splitting of my mind would not be a problem if I did not find myself in my work clothes all day. Since the quarter has started, I have been extremely busy, leaving for work early in the morning and returning back to the apartment late at night due to extracurricular activities. Consequently I am now always stressed out. There always seems to be more to do and I constantly find myself getting further and further behind. This work state of mind is starting to numb me to the world. I feel like I am just going through the motions every day and it is definitely impacting my sense happiness.

I am not sure if it is all because of my clothes, after all, this might just be how growing up feels like.

- muffinman


x0ashley said...

And you think that it's weird that I always seem stressed out now? Just because I don't work doesn't mean that I can't get stressed out either. x_x Stress is pretty constant for a lot of people. So.. don't think that it's weird that I'm stressed out when I see you.

If growing up feels like constantly stressed, then I definitely don't want to grow up. But... I don't think that growing up is supposed to feel constantly stressed. There's got to be more to it!

I was snappy and over-talkative tonight because of ochem information overload and (I think) caffeine. I'm still kind of jittery. Sorryy.

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