Wednesday, April 14, 2010

BAP Eyed Boys

So while I get on those spring break posts (it's been rough the past couple of days), in the meantime I felt it was prudent to turn to another matter -- one that relates to New York.

I've mentioned previously that I am part of a business frat (or honor society?) known as Beta Alpha Psi. Commitee elections are going on and I am running for a pledgemaster position and alumni relations position. I really do love BAP and what it's done for me. The people I've met through the frat and the friends I've made really made my own pledging experience memorable; I want to be in a position to give back and be just as awesome to the new pledges coming in as the upperclassmen were to me when I was a pledge.

Since I am studying abroad, I can't make a speech in New York to get others to vote for me, so instead I had to make a video. With two of my friends here in New York, we conspired to create something that would show our commitment to BAP. Inspired by Kpop, we decided to turn to Brown Eyed Girls's Abracadabra. Willing to throw away our pride and dignity, we created a video that we hoped would be memorable in the eyes of all those back in New York.

I posted the original music video for the song, so that people who don't know it can have some sort of a reference for what we were trying to go for.

Key points to takeaway are the gyrating hips, sexiness, and the sultriness of our intense gaze. What you don't see in the video is how difficult it was to get Jim to do everything Kevin and I forced him to do for the video. It must be an indication of how much he loves BAP. Perhaps our video will go down in BAP history as an example to look up to for all future videos made by study abroad students.

I now present the video we made for the committee elections. Enjoy.



o.O said...

that video is hot... the second one.

Life After ARC said...

This is so disgusting, I almost threw up while I watched this at work.


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