Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cheer up Diane...

This entry is way way over due. I had this draft saved since 2/19 and for some reason it was blank despite the fact that I have had many ideas for it. Most of you have not met my friends at UCSD, so I figure who better to introduce first than arguably the best and closest friend I have made since coming to SD.

This is Diane

Diane is one of the most laid back people I have ever met so much so that she constantly gives off the impression that she is high even when she is stressed. Despite her appearance of nonchalance, she cares a great deal about her friends. She is always ready to listen, help and offer quirky advice.

I still remember that when I told her I felt alone and was tired of being single, she told me to go to perks, our bookstore cafe, as much as possible so that one day I would run into that coffee loving girl and find love. That advice has not yet been taken, but it leaves me with a smile every time I am reminded of it.

The only reason I went to my economics classes these two quarters (well quarter and a half) was because of Diane. She would wake me up for those god awful morning classes, and wait for me even when I made us late for class. I became so dependent on her for getting to class that at times when she could not get me, I was literally lost. Without Diane, I forgot where my classes were and sometimes even what time they started. Little did I know that I had the same impact on her and when I dropped all my econ classes, she lost all her motivation and stopped going too.

I stayed up late tonight to write out this post because Diane is not too happy right now and could use some appreciation at this time.

Diane, you are not as alone as you think. You have many friends who care and appreciate you, including me! So cheer up already!

When I leave, you will definitely be missed. That's really what I wanted to say.



sarahyangg said...


Life After ARC said...

I know right an actual nice entry!?

- muffinman

o.O said...

so when are you leaving?

Anonymous said...

wtf jon are you getting soft

o.O said...

it seems like he's always soft...

Life After ARC said...

I don't know about soft, but I do have feelings.


Angela said...

aww, so niceee :]

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