Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Where to start....

I know I have not blogged in awhile, but there is good reason for that. Ever since coming back to SD and vowing to bounce back from my failings of last quarter, I have been immensely busy! To start out, my roommate and I have adopted a new sleeping regiment. I am no longer the night owl who goes to sleep at 5 or 6 am, instead I have rejoined the rest of normal society and now go to sleep at midnight and wake up at the once ungodly hour of 7am. In addition, I religiously attend my classes and do my reading like a devout Christian would read their bible, complete with highlighting. Yes, some would say I have become the model student.

Around the second week of school I received an email notification that I been accepted by the Financial Professional's network (FPN). If anyone recalls, I applied to this mentor program sometime last quarter upon a friend's suggestion. If you do not remember, that is fine because I did not either. Anyway, now I have my own mentor who works for McKinsey and Company a company that I have never heard of but which a quick Wikipedia search reveals is a management consulting firm whose "Clients include three of the world's five largest companies, two-thirds of the Fortune 1000, governments and other non-profit institutions. McKinsey's clients represent more than 70 percent of Fortune magazine’s most-admired list, more than 90 of the 100 leading global corporations, and governments in more than 35 countries. Forbes estimated the firm's 2008 revenues at $6.0 billion. " So that is pretty cool, great way to start out the quarter. I am actually really glad I got a mentor who is in management consulting rather than Venture capital, which was my first choice because I have discovered that (no offense emoinacloset) finance is just fucking boring.

During winter break, I was working on some posters, flyers and a cover for the Undergraduate Investment Society (UIS) Marketing Competition. Turns out all that (hard?) work paid off because UIS emailed me on Monday asking to meet up and discuss adjustments to the design. Not sure if I won because my design was awesome, which it is of course, or because nobody entered the competition (the entry date was pushed back).

Also last week, my boss got around to take me on a tour of the whole television operation. Turns out our whole operation is conducted by maybe fifteen people, which is amazing considering how many people our channel reaches out to. Interesting fact for those who are at UCSD, the tv building by the star wars wall is where the channel gets broadcast. It is from that building that the channel is fed to the Cox cable company and then to the surrounding SD area and it is also where a fiber line runs to Revelle where it goes to a satellite and is broadcast up to dish network where the channel goes nationwide. I think it is pretty cool that I am part of a fifteenish person team that runs a nationwide channel.

Friday was my first staff meeting since joining the team. I was excited for the meeting but I suppressed it because nobody seemed to sharing my excitement. In the meeting I was introduced to the whole team (minus one) as the new student worker who was replacing the girl everybody loved. During the meeting, I received some of my new responsibilities which include actual marketing! Now I am in charge of organizing the twitter, managing monthly youtube playlists and generating a daily report on who is generating buzz report and if we have any videos on them. After the staff meeting, I once again pitched the idea of pushing the channel on Digg, and my boss was very receptive. So as soon as I start generating that buzz report, I am going to spearhead my plan on digg. This means that I have already accomplished one of my New Year's resolutions. The quarter is off to a good start.
