Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Hey all!

I was sitting at home, bored with nothing to do, so I thought I'd update ya'll on what's been going on with me.

The video blog idea didn't pan out. I downloaded some new software, but as it turns out, it is super awkward to yell into my webcam while I'm alone in my room.

Anyway, after all of my friends left for college, I was stuck at home alone with nothing else to do except go to school. It was then that I decided I simply had to get a job.

I started going to grocery stores, video stores, restaurants, fast food chains, pharmacies, and etc, asking for applications. The good news is that I got applications from every establishment I went to! The bad news is that no one is fucking hiring!

I did my best and sent out resumes and job applications to every corporation and mom&pop store I could think of, but while I waited for job offers, I decided to hunt for internships as well.

Luckily enough, all internships are geared towards either high school students or college uppperclassmen. A freshman undergraduate student, I was stuck right in between. I was starting to feeling really good about this "job thing."

Feeling defeated, I reluctantly went on

I was searching for a part-time volunteer position, hoping that not only would it be part-time, but also temporary for a company would offer me a job! Or so I hoped.

I replied to several postings, getting responses back from almost all of them within a matter of minutes. Were these guys desperate for volunteers or what? I replied back, setting up possible interview/orientation times, and I was all set.

What I didn't realize was that The Rebuilding Alliance, one of the organizations I contacted for the "Data-Entry Assistant Volunteer" position, is helmed by an MIT alumna, who graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering. After the orientation, I told her that I would be interested in working on other projects after I finished what I originally signed up to do.

After I was done entering data, I got assigned to the legal research team as an intern! (what the random?! A science guy like me, a legal research intern?)

Some background info on The Rebuilding Alliance...
The Rebuilding Alliance (TRA) helps rebuild war torn communities in Israel. More specifically, TRA works to rebuild Palestinian homes that were demolished by the IDF and also takes on human rights cases, one of which I have been assigned to work on under an attorney.

My job is to pretty much work with an attorney, the head of our research team, and figure out pertinent information we can use to possibly win the case. In recent news, President Carter, himself, has expressed interest in becoming personally involved with the case!! Ka-ching!

This is just one aspect of my life at the moment. I'll try to update you guys on more things later on.


p.s. Hope all is well on your end.


Life After ARC said...



Life After ARC said...

now was that so hard?


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