Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween in NYC

Nerding it out

While Dontscuffmyshoes studied for midterms, Muffinman baked pumpkin bread, and Robocop did who knows what the fuck he does because he doesn’t blog, I was partying THIS SHIT OUT IN NYC!!!! (Did people forget it was fucking Halloween? Oh well, your loss)

All of NYC comes out at night to party it up on the streets. Some of the costumes are crazy, some original, and some downright ridiculous. As usual, many girls took advantage of this night to slut up their outfit and not be called a ho. My friends and I got ready to join the festivities outside and dressed up in our respective costumes

Quailman Away~! (Nick)

Kanye West (Tik)

Killer Nurse (Joe)

We went outside to join everybody in the drizzle and the Empire State Building was lit a nice orange-black to commemorate the occasion.

Every year, NYC has a parade that goes up 6th Ave filled with marching bands, DJs playing bass-thumping music, floats with people dancing to the music, and thousands of people marching, proudly displaying their costume.

Does this beat out UCSB?

We wanted to hop the cop fence and join the parade but we were standing at the end of the line and the parade was almost over so we decided to just watch what was left of it.

Guys on stilts

After we got tired of the parade we headed back to our dorm and partied it up with everyone else.

I think I party-hopped three times that whole night and got massively drunk. I ended up taking a walk in especially crazy NYC for several blocks by myself and somehow got home safe and sound.

Also, note to self: don't do straight shots of Bacardi 151


Additional pics on Flickr


Life After ARC said...

Don't make it seem like I just baked on Halloween. I partied too, just not as hard!


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