Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Swine? Oh, you probably got it from someone in band.

So, it's been a bit busy for the past month or so. I guess I'll try to list out everything that happened.

1. I got Swine Flu. Best Thing EVER. I missed the week of classes right before my midterms.

2. I'm almost done with my midterms. It's funny how some people just started school.

3. I'm switching majors, which means I have to switch colleges from L&S to Conservation of Natural Resources. I think I'm going to major in Conservation and Resource Studies.

4. Cal Football sucks. Riley is as bad as Longshore. It makes Cal fans bitter because we always hope they'll be good throughout the season, not just in the beginning. PS...Cal Student Section and Mic Men also suck. Why aren't you making noise? Still, Go Bears!

5. U$C Band sucks. They managed to make MJ boring. Who does that? Their halftime show was pretty much "Songs Cal Band Has Played in the Last Two Years. Except With Bad Arrangements." Also, they played those two stupid songs 24 and 16 times. If I were a $C fan, I would be so fucking annoyed if my band played the same thing over and over again. To compare, we play Fight for California like maybe 5 or 6 times a game depending on how well the football team does, and I sometimes get bored of the song. But to play it so many fucking times? Glad I'm not in the $C band.

6. Cal Band played at a 49ers game.. Pretty cool, except there were still U$C fans there that were also 49ers fans, and they were booing us. The 49ers invited us to play for them, STFU!!

7. I spent 80 bucks on food last week.

8. I'm going down to fUCLA next week for the game.

9. Glee is a really good TV show. I hear Family Guy has also gotten better from last season. Better Off Ted is also a good show, as is the Office.

10. Craig Ferguson is still the funniest Late Night/Late Late Night TV host. Ellen Degeneres is still the funniest daytime talk show host.

11. I can't wait till Where the Wild Things Are comes out in theatres.

Music: Tragic Kingdom - No Doubt
Video: At around 43 seconds, watch the security guard near the entrance of the tunnel. His fault, he was told to move at least 3 times.



Life After ARC said...

I cannot believe you got swine flu. Jennet got it too I think. You can say you survived a pandemic now.

Your new major sounds like you are going to be a park ranger.

And I watch glee too, though I do not know how good it is. Every episode gets stranger.



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