Wednesday, October 28, 2009

People in glass houses should not throw stones FINAL PART

After the events of the comment war, I have decided that Michael has sufficiently embarrassed himself, Gloria and Ashley, so for this reason I am not going to respond to his letter. I think it is better to end this today, especially since I told Ashley that I would anyway.

So what happened this week and what did I learn?

A numbered list:

1) Lots of blog traffic was generated and possibly new readers added too. These series of posts have been the most read and most commented on and that just makes me smile. Emoinacloset and I have been scratching our heads over how to generate traffic and get our friends interested, and here comes the answer. Though I do not believe that Emoinacloset is a fan of this kind of traffic even though we used to do this stuff at ARC all the time.

2) Michael committed social suicide by snapping over some silly blog comments. Which surprised me and gave me a good laugh. I can tell this is going to become a running joke in the coffee group and other blog readers. What I learned from the limited interaction with Michael through the blog comments is that he is just a poor soul that has been bullied for "double digits" number of years and that we should not be surprised by his short fuse and propensity to become a "strong, testosterone-driven teenage male" and slap Gloria around. Just kidding, we all know that Gloria wears the pants in this relationship. On a more serious note, you can see here how making assumptions off second hand information can make an ass out of you.

3) This blog brings people together! Well for the most part anyway. People who normally just passively read or do not read at all are suddenly coming together, posting and choosing sides. Most surprisingly is that Mike, someone who I have not talked to in well over a year came out of nowhere to check up on me and catch up. Well Mike, I am glad you know what I am doing these days and I reciprocated the act with a quick check of your facebook and a chat with a mutual friend. I am glad that you have overcome your homophobia from high school and even embraced the gay lifestyle a bit. Our mutual friend tells me you have developed a fetish for tight jeans and a quick look at your profile picture reveals your new hobby of prancing around shirtless (Is that a run on? I am not very good at grammar and the sentence seems long). Surely you will not stay single for long with this kind of attitude and will soon have the chance to experience a "failed relationship" as well. I believe that coming into this fray to accompany Gloria is really scoring you some points. Dare I say that you are on the verge of stealing her away from Michael?

4) Katrina posts extremely witty and sharp comments. I wish I could see more of that wit when I see you in person. Of course not to be outdone, Kevin comes in at the right moment to break up the tension with his just plain ridiculous comments. I miss you two a lot.

5) We have all seriously embarrassed Ashley with how much this has escalated. Sorry Ashley, sometimes I escalate things till they get out of hand.


PS: Did I mention I got a job today?


Angela said...

if this was facebook, i would "like" this entry

sarahyangg said...

^ i agree.
hahah okay good thing this is over.
best part: NICEE you got the job! i knew you would

Anonymous said...

It's very hard to be witty when you're out of breath from beating people up/getting beaten up at krav...or tapping out...*sighs* I need to work on Jiu Jitsu. When you come back to visit though, we'll spar! And maybe go celebrate the fact that you got the job. :D

Life After ARC said...

ah we shall celebrate with your first drink!

Angela said...

wow, way to be a bad influence lol

Anonymous said...

i do what i can

Anonymous said...

Also, cockface, the only way I'd "follow" this blog is if the new posts are as awesome as the past few. Which is a lot to ask, I know.

Life After ARC said...

Stop being such a testosterone drive male, this blog was not meant to be full of drama, it just happened. New posts will be as awesome as these few, but, just a different kind of awesome. You know the non-drama kind?


Anonymous said...

sounds lame

Anonymous said...

I think we can all agree jon has clearly avoided bringing up his social incompetence in his reply and continues being an asshole, disregarding the yelling he received from his “friend” in which he seemingly drags onto his side in his blog.
As predicted, he has eagerly searched for anything to use in his advantage by first searching online and then taking a twenty minute walk across campus to have a “chat” with one of his few acquaintances who, in fact, still does not ignore him. From the few facts he has gathered, I can conclude that he has never been to the ucsd beach and is still stuck in his middle school apparel which he has not yet outgrown. Hey jon I thought you went shopping with nitya? Maybe you should get with another girl so you can finally get your wardrobe updated? But this time, try to not get her a knife for her birthday ok?
It’s pretty obvious my comments have nothing to do with this situation he has put himself in. However I must thank it and this blog for giving me this chance to finally inform muffinman why so many people disappear from his life. I had a lot of fun writing about jon’s insecurities, but I don’t do it on a daily basis to solve my own. You used to be a nice guy jon, but that was before you got too many friends and became full of yourself.

Life After ARC said...

Wow social incompetence? I do remember that last year when emoinacloset and robocop came to visit, you were quite depressed that they came to visit me and did not even care to invite you to anything. I am pretty sure there were tears involved when you realized that the few people you considered friends in high school visited your school and did not even think about saying "Hello" until they accidentally ran into you.

As for the relationship advice, maybe you should actually get you first relationship before you start talking. Then you might actually have some substance. Thanks for the fashion advice. I have also noticed my wardrobe is getting outdated, that is why I asked Jennet to help me pick out some work clothes anyway. However, it is not one my top priorities, because, well I really have better things to do.

I think you should make up your mind about me. Do I have a lot of friends or am I socially incompetent? Because I am sure those two things do not actually go together. Plus it makes you wonder, am I doing anything wrong if I have so many friends?

I understand that your father never let you out of the house in high school and that has severely damaged your social skills. That is why I am going to let these and future comments slide. Though, I can see why your father kept you inside your whole life. He just did not want you to go out and embarrass yourself like you just did here.

I am glad that you are having fun commenting on the blog. You can be the troll that every popular website inevitably has. I warn you however, it is a full time commitment, but judging from the length of your comments and punctuality of your responses I would say you have more than enough time for it.

By the way, I was wondering, when did I ever do you wrong? I never talked to you at SD or high school. What is with the sudden hostility? Do you just like being a troll?


Anonymous said...

First, don't you dare talk about how I was raised by my parents. I will leave it at that.
haha where'd you get the idea of a troll?
When were you knowledgeble in my relationships? So sorry I've never told you but maybe it's cause you're the last person I'd even mention anything to.
Addressing the emoinacloset and robocop issue. (wow that sounds pretty ood, whats wrong with you guys' real names?) I heard their host at ucsd was a selfish little kid that wanted to keep the few guests he ever gets to himself. When they asked to visit friends across campus, he refused and told them to "find their own way".

Sorry I'd love to keep playing your little game but most people get the message after a comment or two. I feel it is utterly useless to keep on trying to get to you. I don't think anyone ever has. Maybe you should keep it that way. I mean who cares what other people think right?
However I will leave you with where you went wrong. If you dig back into last year you might remember where I treated you how you treated everyone else and you were extremely immature about it. You called me out and thats when I realized you were a hypocrite and just stopped even trying to be friendly to you. Think about it, you're the only person in my whole life that I no longer consider a friend.
Feel free to contact me whenever you grow up.

Life After ARC said...

That is interesting about the host thing, because I taking them to meet up with Josh and Jennet.

Well talking to our mutual friend, she said you have never been in a relationship. Care to set the record straight?

You are right people do seem to get it after a comment or two. Wait, is this not your third one? Still playing my game I see.

I am surprised that you considered me a friend at one point in time, because, like I said before I never talked to you in high school or college much less hung out with you. I also never mistreated you last year because we had ZERO interactions! I do not know what you are talking about. All those years of social isolation must have really messed up your perception of what a friend is.

No need to wait for me to contact you because that has also never happened before.


Life After ARC said...

OH just kidding.
I just thought back for a minute turns out we hung out once together in high school with Eric. So I guess we were friends? And I guess I betrayed you?


Life After ARC said...

This is pathetic, but entertaining.

I usually read these comments before I go to bed. They really do serve as a nice bedtime story, what with all the cockface, homosexuals, betrayal, and accusations of each other's fashion sense. It's like a spin-off of nip/tuck.

Keep them coming!

Says the one robot who knows muffinman will not stop cooking up these trivial arguments,


Life After ARC said...

I guess I could say one thing.

Mike, you are a retard for taking muffinman seriously.

muffinman bases his judgments of people on two things: (A) observations and (B) information he obtains from other people that know you.

muffinman's observations of you consist of absolutely nothing. muffinman and you agree that you guys rarely hang out, and if you do, i doubt you guys exchange all but a few words and a couple of homosexually furtive glances.

what muffinman hears about you is based on semi-factual information and rumours, and you know just as well as i do that rumors are not even close to the truth. even if muffinman obtains some factual information, he'll distort it with his own analysis.

you see... muffinman's brain is like a wood chipper. he takes his observations (A) and his acquired information (B) and he throws it into the wood chipper.

the output (C)?

a pile of chopped up wood that michael and you (Mike) have unfortunately tried to make sense of.

his judgments are baseless and you guys just let them get to you.

keep in mind that muffinman is a retard vampire. he feeds on people who take him seriously- people who try to organize the pile of wood into smaller piles and attempt to make sense of it all.

the reason why emoinacloset and myself get along with muffinman so well is that once all the chipped wood comes out of the wood chipper... we SHIT on it.

Mike, shit on the wood, and just walk away. I guarantee you will be "relieved" of this and all your future squabbles with muffinman.


x0ashley said...

Seeing as how the apology was clumped up with more sarcasm and overly witty comments, I think that you could be more sincere. Maybe I'm too judgemental.

Good job to Robocop for being able to explain your actions so well. I hope that you're really grateful for having him and Emoinacloset as friends.

I'm still angry with you but you know that I won't pretend to be texting if I see you around school, like Kevin hypothesized. I think that I'm pretty decent in dealing with awkwardness, now. Anyway, congrats on the job. Goodbye

Anonymous said...

This is a reply to robocop.
I appreciate the explanation, I think it's just because I've never dealt with anyone like this before. Unfortunately regardless of whether muffinman should be taken seriously or not, this situation has ended with just a couple more people ignoring/hating him. All from the same campus and also the one he attends!

Life After ARC said...

Mike, I am going to just add you as a fan because you cannot stay away. And I agree with your take on the results, but, disagree over the negative tone associated with it. I would gladly trade the ill will of Michael, Gloria and Mike for the amount of blog interest that has just been generated because I never see or talk to any of the three.

This situation has also ended with Mike being found guilty of being a retard in this court of blog readers by majority opinion and 100 (in reality it is 2) of them go to the same campus that he attends!

Please Mike, do not exaggerate the situation, only you and Ashley go to the same school as me.

Emoinacloset has suggested that I write a blog post to call you out for your douchebagery, but, I think that would be too much.

I believe that Robocop has the same attitude that I have here. Mainly, just sit back, laugh and add fuel to the fire. The only people getting hurt here are the ones that are taking this blog and its writers too seriously. I mean really have any of you read Emoinacloset's posts?

Hey Mike, did your parents take away your sense of humor along with your social skills? Or were you just born that way?

The only real downside to this series of events is that Ashley is angry with me, for which I do not blame her. She is the real victim here and for that I am sorry. Hopefully I can rectify the situation sooner rather than later.


Anonymous said...

Life After ARC said...

haha. nice


Life After ARC said...

The End


Life After ARC said...

Shouldn't you guys be studying for midterms or something?


Life After ARC said...

Shouldn't you be blogging?


PS: midterms ended, next round is in 2 weeks

Life After ARC said...

I'm not blogging because I have midterms, obviously.


PS. Midterms don't end, it's a continuous cycle.

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