Monday, October 26, 2009

Interview success!

Taking a break from all this Gloria stuff.

Today I had my first interview of the year, and hopefully my last. The interview went really well and I think I really impressed my interviewer who was the marketing director. Of course she was also the only permanent member of marketing so you can understand the scope of their marketing operation.

The interview was really short to, but, I believe that I made a big impression on my interviewer. It began with the question, "Why are you so excited to be here"? Thankfully I prepped for this answer, so I gave canned speech about how I want to find a position where I can grow more skills since my dream is to work in the marketing field. After she described what kind of programming that station does, I dropped some serious knowledge by telling her that I was familiar with this kind of programming as I go on Digg and watch FORA TV once in awhile. I told her that I saw potential in Digg for the channel. After I said that, I swear I saw her eyes light up and she told me that no one had proposed such an idea before.

The interview ended with a run down of what I can expect to do in a typical day, and, it seems pretty standard secretarial work with some hints of marketing thrown in. The interviewer was impressed with the suit I was wearing. She told me "My boyfriend is 38 and he just went out and bought his first suit yesterday!" To which I responded, "Well since I was interviewing for a marketing position, I figured I would dress to impress." There were smiles all around.

Hopefully I can clinch this job and stop being broke. Though I still have to pay off my laptop like I promised myself. So I will probably be broke for a little while longer. Sorry UCSD friends, looks like I will be cutting back on the amount of drinks I buy you.



Angela said...

lol good job! *thumbs up* i definitely would have bombed it.

"I dropped some SERIOUS KNOWLEDGE by telling her that I was familiar with this kind of programming as I go on DIGG"

HAHAHAHAHA especially since digg isn't even a real news site.

but anyway, good job. now go study for your midterm cuz i know you're probably going to read this comment soon! haha

sarahyangg said...

hahah seriously, you probably will get this job :D
next time you should write about me and angela in your blog.
like this:
"so today sarah came to chill with me at OVT and then she walked me to the interview building.
later on i met up with angela and studied together with her at the library, it was great! there was a guy snoring, and it was pretty hilarious. i wish sarah studied next to me cause shes cool. and i wish angela gave me lots of her baked goods that she made at 2 a.m."
see? :D

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