Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happily ever after?

Man, for the past few days, I have been watching so many movies. Most of them (well, all of them) have been chick flicks.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but for some reason, I can't get enough of them. It's so I can share slightly gay things like this that we have nicknames. I've watched A Walk to Remember (one of my all-time favorites), Definitely, Maybe, Failure to Launch, The Notebook, He's Just Not That Into You, The Holiday, and Mean Girls.

Holy crap, right? But I'm not going to lie to anyone of our followers (yes... all 8 of you), I enjoy chick flicks. I thoroughly enjoy chick flicks. I think they are sweet, endearing, and a great emotional roller coaster ride. And for some, it turns on the waterworks too. I think chick flicks is my favorite genre of movies (and yes, that is actually the name of the genre)!

As great as chick flicks are, I always notice something that is a bit unsettling every time I watch these movies: they all end with happily ever after, save for A Walk to Remember (unless you think the death of a girlfriend leading to a guy's beautiful transformation into a better human being is a good ending.. pff.. talk about overrated).

I mean, every chick flick that I watch fits one of three molds.
Mold 1: Boy meets girl. Boy is seemingly, completely incompatible with this girl. They fight and argue all the time and can never seem to find a common ground, but this fighting fuels their lust and subsequent love for each other, and of course, "happily ever after."
Mold 2: Boy meets girl. Boy is obviously compatible with the girl, but the girl unfortunately doesn't take notice, because she is too busy ogling at this Brad Pitt-of-a-guy. But, of course, in the end, she takes notice of the boy who she made the mistake of ignoring. And yes, "happily ever after."
Mold 3 (or as I like to call it, the Disney mold): Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Girl falls in love with boy. They kiss, may have sex, and live "happily ever after."

*There are variations of each one, but you get what I mean.

The common theme between these molds is that the boy and the girl end up with each other, even if one of them decides to get cancer and die at the end.

I know these are just movies, but one can't help but wonder if there is one person out there for everyone. An even simpler thought would be whether or not everyone is capable of finding true love with another person. Does everybody have a soul mate, or are there just a group of people that you're really compatible with, and you marry the first person with whom everything works out? I know the latter sounds soo romantic, but seriously, who knows?

I guess I personally don't believe in soul mates. I'm not proud of it. I honestly like the first option better, but being one of those dream-popping realists of the scientific era of humanity, I can't help but NOT believe in soul mates.

I mean, come on, there are like 4 billion people in the world, 303 million in the US, 19 million in New York, and 8 million in New York City and you are telling me that, out of those numbers, you can't find at least a dozen of people who you would be attracted to and perfectly compatible with. I mean, DNA is different from person to person, but how different do personalities get? How different can the 4 billion people in the world be from one another.

I just believe that you may meet people that are more suited for you than others, but I don't believe in there being one perfect person for everyone. Yeah, I'm a romantic.

And is everyone capable of finding love? I believe so. There's really nothing explain there.

For the few of you that not only "follow," but also READ our blog, what do you think?

Man, I cannot wait until we have a gajillion followers, so we can get more than a couple comments.

Don't you guys worry about that though. Muffinman and I recently visited Best Buy to look at some laptops, and I changed the homepage on one of the computers from to our blog page to help get the word out on our awesome blog. You guys can help too!

Visit a Best Buy store near you!



sarahyangg said...

to answer your question, i agree, that everyone CAN find love. and yeah, definitely dont believe in fate or destiny or that "one meant-to-be soulmate" stuff.
Robocop and Muffinman, great idea changing that homepage thing.

x0ashley said...

Hahahaha yeah, I agree with Sarah. Good job for changing the homepage thing. Brilliant idea. xP
Robocop, pleasepleaseplease watch "Adam" and/or "(500) Days of Summer" sometime. They're not your typical chick flicks so I think that you'll appreciate them for that. :]

Life After ARC said...

cool! thanks, i'm on it!


Unknown said...

wow robocop, you're so fucking gay :) i don't even really like chick flicks. they're just too predictable. but i personally really liked p.s. i love you (i think the story is kinda refreshing for a chick flick) and the time traveler's wife (bc it made me cry like a little bitch)

i think that soulmates do exist. maybe i'm just a hopeless romantic but yea.. i mean, i've always thought that there's one person you're meant to be with. yes, it's true that personalities can't possibly vary that drastically between all the people in the world.. but it's not just about personalities, right? you have to take into account personalities, appearances, moral values, religious beliefs, habits, and also all those qualities in relation to your own. idk i might just be a silly girl but i believe everybody has a soulmate :)

p.s. i am not lying. i know almost all the lines from mean girls by heart. so if you ever want a little slice of mean girls in your day, hit me up ahahahh

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